Page 111 of Love Sick
Only just…
I search the cupboards, and as expected, I find highly flammable fluids, which I commence drenching the floors and walls with.
“Baby, we have to go.”
Luna nods, but I know she wishes she could kill Alanna a hundred times more.
She jumps down from the table and unstraps Alanna before tipping the table onto its side. She can’t be found strapped down.
Her missing heart may be an issue, but with Parkfields’s reputation, no doubt the townsfolk will conjure up a story that it was eaten by the patients.
Luna places Alanna’s heart into the pocket of her gown for safekeeping. “I made a promise to burn this place to the ground. But not with innocent people at risk.”
I reach for her bloody hands. “I just watched you slice through someone’s chest and rip out her heart, and you’re worried about the safety of others?”
Her lips twitch. “They don’t deserve to suffer.”
And this is why I love her.
“Up to no good again?”
Both Luna and I turn around to see Old Timer standing in the doorway. I hate reunions, but I am fucking happy to see this bastard.
“Snooping around again?”
Old Timer cackles but then looks over our shoulders and to Alanna’s corpse.
Luna and I wait with bated breath for his response. “Nice dress.”
Luna bursts into maniacal laughter. “Ready to burn this place to the ground? I promised you.”
Old Timer digs into his pocket and produces a lighter. It doesn’t surprise me. He offers it to Luna.
“Go gather everyone and make sure they’re safe.”
If anyone can do this, it’s Old Timer.
He nods, and he knows this is goodbye. “Can I ask one thing of you?”
“Of course,” I say.
“My grandson hasn’t come to see me. Do you think you could keep an eye out for him?” Old Timer reaches into his pocket of tricks and shows me a picture of his grandson, as well as a marble. “His name is Bobby. Dr. Norton used to talk often to him when he visited.”
“He took a real shining to her.”
Luna gasps while I see how things have come full circle.
“I will do my best.”
I’ll tell him the full story once this is over with.
Old Timer grins a crooked smile. “I knew you were both trouble the moment I met you.”
Luna gives him a hug, and he leaves with the important role of all.
Once he’s gone, I look at Luna, who reaches for my hand. “Do you hear the music?” she asks while I smile.