Page 46 of Love Sick
I mean, the damage is done.
Kyle taps the steering wheel as we wait at a red light. It’s apparent he’s worried about Joy and not overjoyed at seeing his dad.
“I can talk to your dad on my own?” I offer, as I don’t want him doing anything he’s not comfortable with.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t trust him alone with you. And besides, Misha would kill me if I didn’t go with you.” A bittersweet smile plays at his lips. We all miss him—my beautiful boy.
We drive the rest of the way in silence until we approach a stunning house in what appears to be an affluent neighborhood. Kyle drives up the driveway and parks out front. He peers out the windshield, his lip turned up in disgust.
From the house alone, it’s safe to assume Kyle’s father does okay for himself.
“Let’s do this.”
We both run from the car to avoid the pelting rain. The front door opens even before we’re up the stairs. A woman greets us with a smile, but Kyle grunts in response.
“I’m here to see my father.”
The woman steps aside, a little hurt by his rudeness, allowing us entry. “Hi, I’m Sophie.”
I shake her hand and assume she is Kyle’s stepmom.
“Your father is in his office.”
Kyle doesn’t bother to reply and walks down the hallway.
“Thank you for having us over,” I say to Sophie, not wanting to be rude.
But I soon realize the reason she appears sheepish is because she is the other woman. Being Joy’s best friend, she probably believes I hate her.
And maybe I did.
But now, she’s the least of my concerns.
Kyle inhales sharply before turning left. I follow and when I enter, I see a man with graying hair look up from his desk. When he sees us, he smiles, but it’s strained. He places his gold pen on the paperwork and stands.
On the walls are awards and newspaper clippings revealing his occupation—he’s the DA.
Kyle takes a step back, making it clear hugging is out of the question.
“Hi, son. You’re looking well.”
Kyle snickers. “Dominic.”
Kyle’s father’s name is Dominic. It doesn’t ring any bells.
“What can I do for you?”
“Have you seen or spoken to Mom?”
Dominic clears his throat. “No, not in some time. Why?”
“Because she’s missing.”
Dominic frowns and leans against his desk, crossing his arms and ankles. “For how long?”
“Over a week.”
“Have you gone to the police?”