Page 79 of Love Sick
The door is locked, so I race to the closest window and see him standing on the porch, cupping his hands to peer into another window.
“Kyle!” I scream, banging on the window.
A relieved sigh escapes me when he runs over to where I am.
“Open the door,” he says while Dutch scoffs.
“Is this kid for real?”
I ignore Dutch’s wisecrack. “I can’t. We’re locked in.”
“What do you mean? You lost your keys?”
“Oh my fucking god,” Dutch says with a cynical laugh. “If he’s here to rescue us, I think we need a backup plan.”
“Kyle, you need to go to the police. Tell them we’re being held against our will by Dr. Alanna Norton.” It’s a long shot, but at least it’ll draw some attention to the place, and a thought hits me—we have Bobby.
He can vouch for us because he will talk if it means saving Dutch. It’s clear his love for Dutch is deep and if that love is threatened, I know Bobby will talk.
“Kyle!” I scream because him standing around is not helping. “Go!”
I know this is a lot to take in, but he can go into shock after he goes to the police. Maybe I am just so desensitized to this, I’ve lost my humanity.
“We’re kinda in a hurry, buddy,” Dutch says from behind me.
His unimpressed tone snaps Kyle into action, and he nods. “I’ll be back.”
He takes one last look at me, and I hold my breath because this might be it—we might actually get out of here alive.
He sprints from the house, and Dutch and I watch until his figure gets smaller and smaller. My stomach twists in knots, and only when he disappears from sight do I turn around and exhale in relief.
But that’s all in vain.
“Fuck!” Dutch curses, banging on the window. “No, you fuck! Don’t talk to him!”
Spinning back around, I see Kyle has returned, but not with the police—he’s with Noah.
Panic and fear overwhelm me, and I want to be sick. But I don’t have time for that.
I watch as Noah walks Kyle back to the porch who animatedly points to the house while talking incessantly. I can’t hear what he’s saying but bless him for thinking Noah is one of the good guys.
“For fuck’s sake,” Dutch spits, moving away from the window. “Luna, it’s fucking time. Do or die, baby.”
He lunges for me, kissing me with a heightened passion, because we know things are about to get messy. But no matter what happens, we see this through to the end.
We break apart, and Dutch hides in the piano room, frying pan in hand, while I stand in the doorway, waiting for Noah to enter. When the lock clicks open, I place my hands behind my back, gripping the flashlight.
I have no idea why Noah has keys to this place, but I can question that later.
“She said a Dr. Alanna Norton is holding her against her will,” Kyle says frantically as the door squeaks open.
The daylight hurts my eyes because I’ve been locked in hell for endless days and nights, but my vision has never been clearer. The moment Noah sees me, I smile.
Kyle is talking, but I have no idea what he’s saying because all I can focus on is ripping off Noah’s head.
“Miss me?” I mock while Noah smirks, locking the door behind him.