Page 1 of One Night in Vegas
Islicked on the red lipstick. It was bold and a lot more than I wore on an average day. But this was not an average day. It was my twenty-first birthday.
“What do you think about these heels?” I asked my best friend, Trisha. “Too much?”
“You already look like you’re ready to get on a stage and shake your moneymaker,” she teased.
I wasn’t offended. I was flattered. The little black dress I had chosen for my first night out in Las Vegas was definitely on the little side. My bits were covered but not much else.
I felt good. I looked good. Tonight, I was breaking free. I was going to party my ass off. A girl only turned twenty-one once and I was doing it in style with a weekend trip to Sin City.
“I hope I can still walk by the end of the night,” I commented while adding a little more product to my hair. My long brunette locks were in thick curls down my back. My makeup was the product of at least a hundred makeup tutorials posted on YouTube. It was perfect.
“If you can’t, it means the night was a success,” Trisha said, smiling.
“Remember, ladies,” I said to my other three friends getting ready in the hotel room. “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Tonight, Macy Stiles is partying her ass off. I’m not the boring Macy from San Francisco.”
“Remember, girls, be safe,” Trisha said.
“Safe is boring,” I pouted.
“Safe means we catch our plane and go home tomorrow in our seats and not in a body bag.”
We all stared at her. “Way to be a party pooper,” I complained.
“I just want you all to be safe,” she said in her best mommy voice. “Now, with that said, let’s party!”
She opened the bottle of tequila we had picked up for a little pre-night-out courage. While she poured us a shot in the plastic cups in the hotel room, I spritzed on my favorite perfume. The bottle of Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet was a gift from my mother. I had come across the perfume with her while we were shopping. I fell in love with the scent. It was expensive, but it was worth it.
“Are we ready?” I asked.
“Let’s do this!”
We left the hotel room Trisha and I were sharing. All five of us walked down the hall toward the elevators. In my mind, I imagined us walking in slow motion with our hair blowing back. We were taking on Vegas.
The club we had picked out when we were planning the trip was within walking distance of the hotel. That had been a strategic move as well. The sidewalk was packed with people. Some looked like us, ready for a night on the town. Others looked like the typical tourists. Then there were those trying to sell us everything from knock-off watches and purses to free drinks at a titty bar.
“There it is!” Trisha pointed to the nightclub up ahead.
The moment we entered the club, I was scanning the massive space. I had already made up my mind I was going to have a really, really good time tonight. Back home, I had to be a little more buttoned up. Here, I could be anyone and anything.
Trisha was in front of me and Bailey pressed against my back as we made our way through the packed club. The smell of cologne and perfume mingled with the powerful fruity scents of overpriced cocktails.
My eyes were drawn to the back of a man’s head. Something about him stood out. Maybe it was his height or his broad shoulders, but I couldn’t look away.
He turned just as we were walking past him and some of his friends, who were clearly part of a bachelor party. Stunning blue eyes locked on mine. Thick black lashes that would make any girl jealous framed those beautiful eyes. Thick black brows and even thicker black hair, long on the top and perfectly styled and shaved on the sides, had me drooling. He wore a black dress shirt with several of the buttons undone to expose a tanned chest. He was clean shaven, exposing a perfect square jaw and very kissable lips.
He was the one.
I flashed him a cocky smile and looked away. The game was on. I just hoped he wasn’t the bachelor. I was willing to push some boundaries but taking another woman’s man home for the night was not a line I would cross.
“Jell-o shots!” Trisha shouted. “We are getting fucked up tonight!”
Before we were even finished with those shots, another round showed up at our little table. We were crowded around it with our hips and shoulders moving with the music. The drinks went down a little too easily. I was having a blast and enjoying hanging with my girls, but there was an itch that wouldn’t be satisfied until I got my ass out on the dance floor.
I shouted to be heard. “I’m going out!”