Page 46 of One Night in Vegas
I wasn’t going to lie to myself. It hurt. The man had used his charm to break down all my walls. I thought he was serious, and it turned out to be nothing more than a game to him.
I wished I could explain to him why I left that morning. I wanted to apologize, but he didn’t want to hear it. He wanted to hurt me in some way, and he did.
“Good job, Jon.”
I hoped he felt better. He had stuck it to me. He made me think there was a chance of something between us and then he dropped me on my ass like a hot potato. I imagined he was laughing his ass off the whole time he was sneaking out. He probably took a picture of me sleeping just so he could remember his revenge.
That was the difference between him and me. When I left, it wasn’t funny. I didn’t do it to hurt him. I had left because I knew it was for the best and I felt terrible about doing it. Unlike him, I had felt guilty for potentially hurting him.
What he had done was cold and calculated. It was a cruel joke. He sought me out and gave me those damn flowers all with the intention of doing something to hurt me. That was a planned attack. Intentional versus accidental was a big difference.
He wanted to play games. If the man wanted a war, I was ready to give it. “Game on.”
I threw off the blankets and quickly dressed. Not only did he leave me stranded in the room, but he left me stranded in general. Now, I had to fork out money for a cab.
He thought this was funny. He thought he was going to swoop in and make me fall in love with him again and then dump me on my ass. Not so fast. He was going to learn I was not someone to screw with.
I got home and slammed the door hard enough to scare the cat, who needed a new name. On the way home, my mind had been spinning with possibilities. What could I do to get back at him? It was going to end up being an endless cycle of revenge. I got him, and he would get me. We would go back and forth.
I didn’t care. I was not letting him get away with this shit.
I grabbed my phone and found the number I was looking for.
“Hello, I’m hoping to speak with Brian,” I said to the woman that answered the call.
“Can I tell him who’s calling?”
“Yes, this is Macy Stiles,” I answered. “We spoke a couple days ago.”
“One moment.”
I waited with my heart pounding and my blood boiling. This was probably a mistake, but I didn’t care.
“Ms. Stiles.” The man came on the line. “What can I do for you?”
“I was wondering if the job was still available,” I said sweetly. “I’ve had a change in life, and I would love to accept the offer, if it’s still available.”
“It most certainly is,” he said with excitement. “We would love to have you start right away. My team all wanted you. You are certainly our first choice.”
“Thank you for that,” I said with a sly smile.
“Would you be able to start on Monday?” he asked.
That was a tough one. Technically, no, but fuck it. I owed no one anything. “Absolutely,” I heard myself say.
“Great! Stop by my office and we’ll get your paperwork done before we put you at your desk. This is great news. The team will be thrilled to have this settled. No one was willing to settle for second best.”
“I appreciate that.” I felt just a little guilty. “I’ll see you Monday.”
I hung up the phone and burst into laughter. “Take that!”
I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I could practically feel him still clinging to me. I dumped a healthy amount of bodywash and scrubbed my skin with my loofah.
When I stepped out of the shower, I didn’t miss the red marks on my breasts. Those were courtesy of him. He had done that. He’d left me with the remnants of his revenge.
I threw on some clothes and grabbed my large bag I used for beach days and my purse. I was on my own mission. I drove to the school. I was a good thirty minutes late. I didn’t care.