Page 51 of One Night in Vegas
“I’m telling you, this is the weirdest relationship I’ve ever witnessed.”
“Not a relationship,” I said.
Monday morning, I woke up fired up and ready to kick some ass. I put on the black bodysuit Trisha insisted I buy. I paired it with the black slacks that fit snugly, showcasing my ass. Then I put on a black blazer and black pumps. It was a sharp, severe look but it was that no-nonsense look I was going for. I didn’t want to look like the woman he was attracted to at the club.
I stopped at a coffee shop and splurged on something fancy. When I walked into the office for the first time as an employee, I half-expected security to jump me. Thankfully, no one tried to throw me out.
“Good morning.” The woman in front greeted me with a warm smile. “Brian is expecting you. Go ahead and go back.”
“Thank you,” I said, smiling in return.
Thankfully, Brian was right there to meet me. I wasn’t sure where I was supposed to be going.
“Macy.” He greeted me with a handshake. “We’re so glad to bring you on board. We know you’re going to like it here. I’ll start by giving you a tour of the office and showing you to your desk. Unfortunately, Mr. Handcock’s assistant couldn’t be here today to train you herself. She stayed an additional week while we found his replacement. We will have someone go over the scheduling program with you as well as his typical day-to-day routine.”
“I look forward to getting started,” I said.
We walked down the hall and back to the scene of the crime. Not an actual crime but the place where I first laid eyes on him in the building. Nerves hit hard when I looked at those doors that led to his office. I wondered if he was in there right now. I was looking forward to the moment he saw me. I was hoping that moment would be in private. I didn’t want him to try and hide his shock and surprise. I wanted to relish in it.
“Mr. Handcock is not in yet,” he said. “You can leave your things here and we’ll move into one of the smaller conference rooms to sit down with some of the other team.”
“Brian,” someone called.
He turned to look over his shoulder. “Go ahead and get settled,” he said to me. “I’ll be back to show you to the conference room in just a few minutes.”
“I’ll be here,” I said and offered a confident smile.
I took a deep breath and stared at my new desk. It was all very neat and tidy. I noticed an envelope on the desk. It was addressed to the new assistant. I opened the envelope and pulled out several sheets of paper. There were detailed instructions about everything I needed to know to manage the job. The last page contained a handwritten note.
“Take care of my boy,” I read the scribble aloud.
It was sweet. His assistant truly did care about him. It surprised me. It also made me laugh a little. When they said his last assistant had been with him for decades, I assumed he was an older man. Decades would mean his assistant had known him since birth. That explained her patience with him.
I opened the drawer and put the documents in it. Then I pulled a few things from my briefcase and did my best to settle in.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Jon asked, suddenly beside me.
I looked up and smiled. “I’m your new assistant.”
He looked stupefied. The joy I felt in that moment was worth every penny I spent on the new outfits.
“My new assistant?” he repeated.
“Yes, your new assistant,” I replied.
“I thought you turned down the job,” he said.
“Nope. Well, I did, but I changed my mind.”
He was staring at me like he wasn’t sure I was real. I was soaking up every ounce of his shock.
“No one told me,” he muttered and walked away.
“That’s why you need a good assistant!” I called after him, barely keeping the laughter out of my voice.
I watched him walk away. It was hard not to think about sex. The man had charisma by the bucketloads. He could wear a paper bag and he would still be attractive. There was so much about him that was sexy as hell.
He was wearing one of those suits that was perfectly tailored to him. He was in all black as well with a white shirt. It was very unfortunate he was so attractive. If he looked at me just right, I knew I was going to tumble into bed with him.