Page 63 of One Night in Vegas
“We swam. We kissed. We got back on the boat and went back to the office. Things were a little tense. I apologized for pulling away in the water. I think I might have said I wanted him. Then wham, bam, thank you, ma’am, we were banging on his desk.”
She let out a little scream before clapping her hands together. “No way!”
“Yes, way. This is so wrong. I don’t know what I’m doing with him. Whenever I’m around him, I turn into a different person. I’m the puppet and he’s my master. I have no control over myself. I just want to get him in bed and that’s that.”
“By the sounds of it, he might think you’re the puppet master,” she said.
“Maybe. I wouldn’t doubt if that’s what he thinks, but it’s not intentional. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I went there to screw with him, and I don’t mean literally. I just wanted to get him back and then I was going to be done.”
“You can’t quit him,” she said, smiling. “He can’t quit you. That tells me you guys like each other whether either of you wants to admit it or not.”
“Technically, we already admitted it,” I reminded her. “We thought we were in love. That’s where the problem lies.”
“Sounds like a terrible problem to have,” she said dryly. “You two can’t fight fate. You can try, but it’s clear you’re going to lose. You were probably together in every past life you’ve had. You are going to end up together one way or another. If you don’t, you’re both destined to be miserable until your last breath.”
“That’s a pleasant thought.”
“Just saying,” she said, shrugging. “I think you should stop trying to fight it. Go for it. See what might happen. He’s a freaking billionaire who is crazy about you and sexy as hell to boot. Why wouldn’t you want to go after him?”
“Because… I don’t know,” I groaned.
“Exactly. Tell me one thing wrong with him.”
“He was a real jerk the other night,” I pouted.
“Yeah, well if banging you until you’re screaming for mercy is being a jerk, sign me up for the next jerk,” she joked. “You guys need to work on your communication, but I think in the end, you both want the same thing.”
“What? Sex?”
“No, each other,” she said, smiling. “You’re a happy-ever-after waiting to happen. All the components are there. You just have to get out of your own way. Both of you.”
“I think I’m a little worried it’s too good to be true,” I told her. “He has to have a fatal flaw.”
“But what if he doesn’t?” she asked. “What if he is exactly what he says he is? What you’ve seen thus far?”
“I don’t know.” I hesitated. “I’m a little worried he’s doing this on purpose. He’s trying to get me to fall in love with him so he can dump me good and hard.”
“You think he’s trying to get you to fall in love?” She laughed and slapped my arm. “Sweetie, you never felloutof love with him. If you deny it, let me show you exhibit A.” She bent down and picked up the cat.
“That wasn’t out of love,” I said.
“Yes, it was. You’ve got a good man, or at least what appears to be a good man. Before you kick him to the curb, I think you should strongly consider giving it a chance.”
“Maybe,” I said.
“And while you’re at it, find out if he’s got a brother,” she said, laughing. “A single one.”
“I’ll do that.”
I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face. The possibility of actually being in love with him and him loving me back was very exciting. A future with him would be amazing.
The next morning, I walked into work prepared to put in a full day. I didn’t care if he offered to take me to the moon—I wasn’t going to go. I was going to show him I was a capable assistant.
I was early, in before most of the other staff. I turned on the tablet he wanted me to use and was immediately notified of a new message from him. He wanted a staff meeting that afternoon.
I could handle that. I could rise to the occasion and accommodate last-minute changes to his schedule. I followed the instructions left by his previous assistant and got right into the email. I made notes on the calendar for meetings and flagged a few to be forwarded on to him to read. I was happily typing out a response when he walked in.
“Good morning,” I greeted.