Page 68 of One Night in Vegas
“Are you going to be able to work with this woman without confusing the matter?” she asked. “You know how your father felt about this kind of thing.”
“I know,” I said. “We’re working it out. Like I said, she’s very good at her job.”
I had told her and now I hoped we could move on. I was not about to tell her about all the sex we were having. Or I hoped to have. No. No, I didn’t. I couldn’t have sex with her again. It would confuse things. It would break Dad’s one rule.
The egg timer she had with her went off. I was saved by the ding. “Dinner’s ready,” she said.
I followed her into the kitchen. “It smells amazing.”
“I was thinking we could just eat in here,” she said. “It seems a little silly to go through the hassle of setting the table and all that.”
“The table in here is perfect,” I said. “I’ll set it.”
These dinners were special. I knew it was important for her and us. Life was short. I didn’t want to look back on my life and wish I would have spent more time with her when she was around. That was a hard lesson after losing Dad at such a young age. Live and learn.
Ichanged into a pair of jeans and a hoodie. My feet hurt. I was not used to wearing toe-pinching pumps all day. It was a necessary evil. The heels made my legs look longer and I was all about looking good. I noticed everyone in the office dressed well. Some better than others, but everyone cared about their appearance. I didn’t want to be my usual frumpy self.
I texted Trisha on my way back out the door to let her know I’d be home late. I arrived at the diner where my brother, Brandon, and I would often meet for dinner. Sometimes breakfast on the weekends if we had time. It had been a while since I caught up with my big brother.
I ordered a soda and some cheese sticks while I waited for him. I was starving. I had wanted to make sure I was doing a good job this first week and didn’t dare leave my desk with Jon in the office. I wanted to be ready to help him with whatever he needed. I didn’t think he would fire me, but I wasn’t going to give him a reason to.
“Sorry,” Brandon said and quickly pulled out his chair. His hair was wet, telling me he’d just gotten out of the shower.
“Gym?” I asked.
He sucked down the water already at his place setting. “Yes. What’s up with you? Mom said you started a new job.”
“I did,” I said.
“Shit. How did that happen? I didn’t even know you were looking for a job.”
“I wasn’t, but you know I’ve been sick and tired of working for Harold,” I said. “It just got to be too much. Trisha had a lead on a job. I applied and got it.”
“What’s the job?”
The mozzarella sticks were delivered. We each snatched one up. “Executive assistant,” I answered. “But not like it was with Harold. I’m an actual assistant in a fancy office. I get to work with professionals who don’t stink like mothballs. There is an amazing breakroom with an espresso machine and lots of free snacks. It’s so much better and the pay is way better. I like it. I think it’s going to work out really well.”
“Where?” he asked.
“A watch company,” I answered.
He looked concerned. “Who are you working for?”
“His name is Jon Handcock,” I replied. I doubted he knew him. It was a big city. I had been trying to find him without technically looking for eight years. I had no idea he was right under my nose the whole time.
He groaned and shook his head. “Great.”
“What does that mean?” I asked. “Do you know him?”
“Yeah,” he said. “I hope you’re not falling under the same spell the other million women have.”
I was immediately nauseated. I dropped the cheese stick. “What does that mean?”
“I don’t think you understand who your boss is,” he said.