Page 96 of One Night in Vegas
We all finished eating breakfast. Macy and I handed out the envelops of cash. I gave everyone the option of a dinner prepared by my chef with a casual night in or they could go wherever they chose. After the chef’s magnificent breakfast, everyone voted to stay in. We said our goodbyes, with just me and Macy hanging back.
“What’s your big plan?” she asked.
“It’s a surprise.”
“Jon,” she said in a chastising way. “We can’t. I didn’t come here to hide in your room all day.”
“Get your mind out of the gutter,” I joked. “I’m going to have the chef put together a picnic lunch for us. I want to show you a secret spot. Technically, it’s not a secret, but it’s not super popular. Wear good walking shoes.”
She looked down at her feet that were currently shoved in cute little sandals. “Really?”
“Trust me.”
I expected her to laugh in my face. “Okay.”
“Meet me back here in ten minutes?”
“I’ll be here,” she said, smiling.
I quickly talked with the chef, who was all too happy to prepare another lavish meal. Of course, that also meant a hefty bill. While he put together lunch for us, I made arrangements to have a rental car delivered to the building. If I was lucky, no one would be making the trek to the falls.
We drove out of the city. “Where are we going?” Macy asked from the passenger seat.
“It’s a surprise.”
“I’ve watched a lot of CSI,” she said. “I know a body dump when I see one.”
I reached over and grabbed her hand. “They dump the bodies in the desert, not the forest.”
“I’m not convinced,” she said.
I followed the GPS instructions to the trailhead and parked in one of the open spots. We both got out and I donned the backpack that doubled as a picnic basket and we set out. I didn’t mind walking behind her. She was wearing a pair of shorts that showed off her perfect ass. On occasion, I reached out to “help” her up a particularly troublesome area in the trail. Again, a perfect excuse to touch her.
“Are you sure you know where you’re going?” she asked.
“Positive. I think we’re close.”
We walked a little farther when she came to a dead stop. I ran right into the back of her.
“What’s wrong?” I asked. “Snake?”
“No.” She put her hand to her ear. “Do you hear that? It sounds like water.”
“We’re here,” I announced proudly.
We followed the trail and came to an open area. A waterfall fell into a shallow pool.
“It’s beautiful,” she said. “I had no idea there would be a waterfall in this area.”
“Most people don’t,” I replied. “The last time I was here it was early March and flowing a lot more.”
“Can we get in?” she asked hesitantly. “I did wear my suit just in case.”
“Absolutely,” I said eagerly. “Let’s cool off and then we can see what Chef packed.”
Without hesitation, she pulled off the tank top she’d been wearing to reveal a sexy black bikini with a silver ring nestled between her cleavage. She shimmied out of the shorts and showed off a black thong. That was an image getting stored in the spank bank.
She tiptoed into the water that was just about knee high. I watched from the rocky shore as she gingerly made her way across the rocks and stood under the waterfall. I had to take a few seconds to talk down the erection that had sprung to life. She tilted her head back, her long hair brushing over that round ass as water sluiced down her nearly naked body. This was the stuff of wet dreams. I couldn’t seem to move. I was frozen to the spot watching her wipe the water from her face.