Page 111 of Game, Set, Match
She glanced at Rob’s profile as he looked out of the window, wondering how he was feeling about leaving. The past three months had been a dream summer for both of them – she’d stayed with her dad in the week, then on Fridays drove back to Club Colina to meet Rob, then hung out with him until Sunday morning when he went back to work and she went back to Barnaby and Scrumpy. She and Rob had spent every Saturday doing something different – road trips, boat trips, picnics, hikes in the hills. In three months she’d banked more happy memories than she’d managed in fourteen years of marriage, and right now it felt like they were just getting started.
‘Madrid first,’ said Barnaby. ‘Then San Sebastian before we cross the border into France. Do a night or two somewhere in the Loire Valley before we push on to Calais.’
‘How long are we staying in each place?’ asked Luke.
‘No idea,’ said Barnaby happily. ‘Let’s decide that as we go along. We’ve got ten days, so we’ll see how things go.’
‘That’s a good plan,’ said Rob, reaching out to take Hannah’s hand and giving her a smile that still made her insides turn to mush.
‘Excited about your new job, Rob?’ asked Barnaby.
‘Yeah,’ he replied. ‘I start first of October, so it gives me time to get Scrumpy settled into my parents’ place.’
‘Are you and Hannah going to live there too?’
‘Just for a few weeks until my old flat is free for us to rent,’ said Rob. ‘Mum and Dad own that too, so that’s really easy. But we can stay in their guest annexe in the meantime.’
‘Fancy,’ muttered Luke, pulling a face.
‘And what about you, Han?’ asked Barnaby. ‘Any job interviews lined up?’
‘Two, both at the end of next week,’ said Hannah. ‘Bath has loads of country clubs and spa hotels, so I’m not worried. Rob’s parents have offered to dog-sit Scrumpy while we’re both at work.’
‘Ooh, I meant to tell you,’ said Luke. ‘I saw Graham the other day. Pushing apram.’
‘Yeah,’ said Hannah. ‘Mum messaged to say they’d had the baby a few weeks ago.’
‘A boy,’ said Luke. ‘Apparently they’ve called him Xander.’
‘Xander?’ said Hannah, twisting round in her seat so fast she nearly gave herself whiplash. ‘Graham has a child called Xander Chandler?’
‘Nope,’ said Luke with a smirk. ‘Lucy wouldn’t let him take Graham’s name, I’m not sure she trusts him to stick around long enough. So it’s Xander Pearson or something. Apparently she’s told him that once they’re married she’ll change it to Pearson-Chandler.’
‘I’m sure Graham is thrilled,’ Hannah said drily.
‘His mum is spitting feathers, apparently. Also, Lucy’s saying she’s not interested in Xander being baptised, so that’s absolutely kicked off.’
Rob twisted round and smiled at Dan. ‘This whole family is really fucking weird,’ he said in a stage whisper. ‘We may have to form a support group.’
‘Definitely,’ said Dan, rolling his eyes.
‘No swearing in the car, please,’ said Barnaby.
‘Oh no, it’s fine,’ said Hannah. ‘I swear all the time now. Rob taught me.’
‘Rob TAUGHT you?’ exclaimed Barnaby, as Luke hooted with laughter. ‘How does that work?’
Hannah grinned. ‘Wind the window down.’
Barnaby glanced at her suspiciously.
‘Go on,’ nodded Hannah. ‘Wind it down.’
Barnaby sighed and pushed the button to wind down the window, letting in a blast of warm air. ‘Now what?’
‘Lean your head out, and shout SHIT as loud as you can,’ said Hannah, raising her voice against the buffeting wind.
‘I’m not doing that,’ said Barnaby firmly.