Page 26 of Game, Set, Match
‘What? No!’ Rob exclaimed. ‘I wasn’t lying when I said I’d opted out. It’s really not my thing.’
‘Preying on women?’ asked Hannah, a ghost of a smile on her lips. ‘Or women generally?’
Rob shook his head and smiled. ‘I definitely like women, but that kind of thing is not my style. I’ve got two sisters; I’d beat the shit out of anyone who treated them like that.’
‘And a girlfriend? Have you got one of those too?’ She immediately wished she could take back such an obviously leading question. Presumably there were ways to talk to really hot men without sounding like she was awkwardly flirting, but apparently she’d missed that memo.
‘No,’ said Rob, meeting her questioning gaze. ‘I was seeing someone, but we broke up before I came over here. So I’m off relationships for a while. Taking a break from women.’
Hannah blushed and looked at her feet, dying a little at the obvious rejection.
‘What about you?’ asked Rob.
‘I’ve also just split up with someone,’ said Hannah quickly, subconsciously rubbing the space on her finger where her wedding band used to be. ‘But he was my husband, and we were married a long time.’
‘I’m sorry,’ said Rob.
‘Don’t be, I’m not. Anyway, what I mean is I’m taking a break too. A long one. Definitely not interested in a rebound fling.’
‘Are you always this direct?’ laughed Rob. ‘I wasn’t suggesting . . .’
‘No, I didn’t mean that,’ she said, blushing and kicking herself again. ‘I didn’t think you were . . . I just meant I wasn’t planning to be part of their bingo game.’
Rob nodded, looking at her curiously. ‘You’re off the hook anyway, I told them you were gay.’
Hannah let out a barking laugh, her eyes widening. ‘Why would you do that?’
Rob shuffled his feet and buried his hands in his pockets. ‘I don’t know, they were making comments and it felt wrong, so I took you out of the game. I shouldn’t have done it, which is why I thought I’d confess.’
‘Why only me, though? You could have saved us all.’
‘I don’t know,’ Rob mumbled. ‘It just seemed like a good idea at the time.’
Hannah said nothing for a moment, looking at his full lips and feeling a little breathless as she wondered what it might be like to kiss him. Graham had been a wet, probing kisser, like he was doing a full survey on the inside of her mouth with his tongue. It never looked like that in movies; surely there was a better way? Rob caught her eye, and for a moment it was like he could read her thoughts. She needed to get out of here, and fast.
‘I’m going swimming,’ she said.
Rob laughed awkwardly. ‘What, now?’
Hannah shrugged. ‘Why not? It’s hot, and I’m ready to call it a night. I usually do some lengths in the hotel pool and I haven’t done any today.’
‘Usually? You only got here yesterday.’
Hannah blushed. ‘Well, today is my second day, so it’s officially a habit.’
Rob shook his head and laughed. ‘You’re crazy.’
‘Yeah, maybe.’ She tried to keep her voice breezy, but she could hear the panic creeping in. ‘I’m just going to pop to the loo first,’ she said, making her escape before she made things worse.
Sitting on the closed toilet lid with her head in her hands, she felt hot and breathless, with a strange, wriggly feeling in her stomach. The best thing she could do now was say her goodbyes and get out of there as quickly as possible.
She flushed the toilet for no reason and washed her hands, patting her sweaty face with a paper towel before heading back to the group. Rob was back at the table, Trish glued to his side and staring up at him like he’d just won Wimbledon.
‘Your turn for a round of drinks, Reverend,’ said Olly, patting him heavily on the shoulder. ‘Maybe get some sambuca chasers while you’re up there.’
‘I’m going to call it a night,’ said Hannah, giving the group a wave.
‘Oh really?’ said Trish, clearly delighted that she now had Rob to herself. ‘Rob, I’ll give you a hand with the drinks.’