Page 37 of Game, Set, Match
‘Like what?’
‘I found out her lecture schedule and got there early, hanging around in corridors hoping she’d pass by so I could just say hello.’
‘This sounds kind of stalker-ish, Dad,’ laughed Rob, imagining an early-eighties version of his dad, probably with a New Romantic quiff and drainpipe trousers, pursuing his mother around Durham University like a randy dog. He started to relax, hoping that maybe this feeling wasn’t total insanity after all.
‘I guess nowadays you’d just find her on the internet and say hello on social media or something,’ said Guy. ‘But back then you had to be more creative.’
‘How did you know it wasn’t just a stupid crush?’ asked Rob. ‘Like, I don’t know, teenage hormones or something?’
‘Because she wasn’t my first turn around the dancefloor,’ said Guy. ‘I was actually twenty, I’d had plenty of girlfriends by then. But your mother took my breath away. She still does, actually.’
Rob smiled. ‘So how did you win her over in the end?’
‘I didn’t have to,’ said Guy. ‘I just got her talking, took my time. Let her know that I wasn’t going anywhere.’
‘I can’t do that, though,’ said Rob, another wave of anxiety rising in his chest. ‘I don’t have time. She leaves on Saturday.’
Guy sighed. ‘She’s a guest, then? Rather than staff?’
‘Yeah,’ said Rob, his mouth full of sawdust.
‘Does any of what I’ve just said sound familiar?’ asked Guy.
‘Yeah, kind of,’ replied Rob. ‘It’s definitely different from . . . other women.’
‘Well, I’m hardly an expert. But if I had to guess, I’d say it sounds a lot like you’ve fallen in love.’
‘Shit,’ muttered Rob, pressing his clammy hands together either side of his nose. ‘That’s what I was afraid of.’
Guy chuckled. ‘Does she know?’
‘Fuck, no.’
‘Do you think she feels the same way?’
‘I don’t know. It’s hard to tell.’
‘Then you need to tell her how you feel.’
Rob gave a manic laugh. ‘You make it sound so simple.’
‘That’s because it is. How does the saying go? “We only regret the chances we don’t take.” And in the end, what’s the worst that can happen?’
I lose my job, thought Rob, but he couldn’t tell his dad that.
‘Something happened to her a couple of nights ago,’ he said, clenching his fists at the memory of seeing her pressed against the wall round the corner from the bar, Matt’s hands roaming all over her body. For a fraction of a second he’d thought Hannah was joining in, but then he’d clocked her flailing arms and the way her head was trying to turn away, and a red mist had descended. ‘Some guy tried to . . . it’s a long story. I wasn’t involved, but I was there. I don’t want to say the wrong thing if she’s feeling vulnerable.’
Guy was quiet again, and Rob could hear the squeak as he twisted the office chair from side to side.
‘Well, maybe don’t go all in with hearts and flowers, then. Just talk to her, get to know her a bit. Let chemistry do its thing.’
‘OK, I will. Thanks, Dad.’
‘You’re welcome. And Rob?’
‘I’m really proud of you, you know. It takes a real man to call his dad to ask about love.’