Page 79 of Game, Set, Match
‘Of course,’ said Rob happily. ‘I’m always nice.’
‘And when I say friend, I mean . . . girlfriend,’ said Hannah, giving him a significant look. ‘Dad told me yesterday.’
‘Yes, I got that the first time,’ said Rob, wondering how on earth Hannah hadn’t noticed when they’d played tennis together two days ago. It had been plain as day to Rob that Barnaby and Joyce were a couple, and he’d assumed it was such old news to Hannah that she hadn’t bothered to mention it.
‘Talking of which, we need to head home,’ said Hannah, as Joyce settled down at the table with Barnaby and lit a cigarette. ‘Dad needs to talk to Joyce about his plans to go back to the UK.’
‘Fine,’ said Rob. ‘I’m ready whenever you are.’ He looked around for Scrumpy, and spotted him disappearing round the side of the house, several prawn shells poking out of his jaws like pink fangs.
‘I’m off to meet some friends,’ announced Dominic loudly. ‘Thank you for dinner, Mummy.’ He kissed Joyce on both cheeks and waved at the others.
‘Nice to meet you,’ said Rob affably. ‘We might be here for the tournament on Friday after all, so maybe we’ll see you then.’
‘I’ll look forward to it,’ said Dominic through gritted teeth. ‘Don’t forget about my offer of a little wager.’
‘I won’t,’ said Rob, giving Joyce a hug. ‘Thank you for a wonderful dinner.’
‘It was lovely to meet you,’ said Joyce. ‘And DO stay for Friday. I think it will be a very valuable learning experience for Dominic.’ She smiled conspiratorially as she hugged Hannah and waved them both off, Scrumpy trotting at their heels.
‘Are you going to tell me about this wager?’ asked Hannah, once they were a little way down the hill.
‘It was nothing,’ said Rob. ‘Dominic tried to get me to make a bet on which one of us would do better in the tournament, but I turned him down.’
‘Good,’ said Hannah with a smile. ‘I don’t approve of gambling.’
‘Even when it gets us a lovely dog?’ teased Rob, bending down to fuss between Scrumpy’s ears. ‘Look at his little face.’
‘Well, that was a special case,’ said Hannah. ‘But you should only bet money if you’re prepared to lose.’
‘I think Dominic would happily take my wife in lieu of cash,’ said Rob.
‘Ugh,’ said Hannah. ‘She’s definitely not for sale.’
‘I should hope not,’ said Rob, putting his arm around her in what he hoped was a casual, friendly fashion. ‘What were you and your dad talking about?’
Hannah hesitated, then gently extracted herself from his arm and looked away. ‘Luke, mostly.’
‘Right.’ He waited for her to elaborate, but she said nothing. ‘Anything else?’
Hannah stopped and turned to look at him, then took a deep breath. The air was cool on his skin, and he could see goosebumps forming on her arms. ‘He wanted to know what the deal was between you and me.’
‘And what did you say?’ Rob felt his voice crack as his heart started to pound in his chest. Was this going to be the moment when everything changed?
‘I said I liked you,’ said Hannah. ‘But you already knew that. And then I said that I didn’t think I was ready for a relationship, and that you weren’t either.’
‘And what did he say to that?’ asked Rob, feeling a bit sick.
‘He said you only regret the chances you don’t take.’
‘Holy shit,’ said Rob with a gasp.
‘My dad said exactly the same thing.’
‘What? When?’
‘I rang him. The day after the whole thing in Puerto Banus.’