Page 87 of Game, Set, Match
‘Which one?’ said Hannah. ‘I don’t have a Spanish bank account. I’ll just use some of it for food and hotels and stuff, then take the rest home and exchange it.’
‘You could have asked your dad to put it in his account for you,’ Rob mused.
‘What, and tell him we gambled three grand we didn’t have on a tennis match against his girlfriend’s son?’ said Hannah. ‘He’d think you’d corrupted me.’
‘Whoah, it was all your idea,’ said Rob gleefully.
‘Yeah, well. Dominic deserved it,’ muttered Hannah, thinking of the things she’d overheard him saying earlier. ‘He was vile. I can’t believe Clara was sleeping with him.’
‘Some women like that kind of thing,’ Rob shrugged. ‘Rich guys who fuck and run, no strings.’
‘Is that what you do?’ asked Hannah, her eyebrows raised. ‘Fuck and run?’ She hadn’t meant the question to sound accusatory, but Rob’s face fell.
‘No,’ he said quietly. ‘I’ve never done that.’
‘I’m sorry,’ she said. ‘I didn’t mean it to sound that way. I’m still trying swear words on for size.’
‘Also I’m definitely not rich,’ said Rob with a small smile.
‘Well, I’m feeling quite rich right now,’ Hannah said. ‘What would you do with this money, if you were me?’
‘Hmm,’ said Rob, pondering the question as he watched the road. ‘I think I’d probably split it into three. Put a thousand into the rest of this trip, so we can stay in nice places, then I’d give a thousand to your dad to cover all of Scrumpy’s food and vet bills and travel and stuff. But I’m going to pay that, obviously.’
‘Fair enough. What about the other third?’
‘If it was me, I’d give it to that dog shelter in Granada,’ he said quietly.
Hannah looked at him and smiled, feeling like she’d struck gold. ‘That’s a great idea. I’ll do an online donation when I’m back in the UK. So where shall we go now?’
‘I’m saying nothing,’ said Rob. ‘I’ve already derailed your trip once, so everything from now on is entirely your choice.’
Hannah thought for a moment. ‘Then let’s go back to the mountains,’ she said. ‘Do a few more days hiking, stay in a nice hotel. Just the two of us.’ She gave him a significant look and reached over to take his hand, realising that within a matter of hours they would very likely be having sex. The thought filled her with a combination of desire and terror, like a strange fizzing in her belly. What if she wasn’t any good? What if fourteen years of Graham had made her sexually incompatible with any other man? What if she just lay there like a plank of wood, not knowing what to do? What if Rob’s penis was massive, or tiny? Graham’s had seemed like a perfectly normal size – bigger than Michelangelo’s David, but smaller than that picture of Orlando Bloom on a paddle board. The only other real one she’d seen belonged to Aaron, and she suspected he might not be within the boundaries of normal.
‘You know there’s no pressure, right?’ said Rob, seeing the uncertainty on her face. ‘For us to . . . you know.’
‘I know,’ she said, squeezing his hand.
‘I don’t want you to feel—’ said Rob, but he was cut short as his phone rang through the hands-free speakers, making them both jump. ‘Shit, that’s my mum.’
‘You should answer it,’ said Hannah. ‘It might be important.’
Rob’s finger hovered over the button on the steering wheel. ‘No, it’s fine,’ he said. ‘She’s probably just letting me know they’re back from Bermuda. I can call her back later.’
‘Rob,’ said Hannah, giving him a look. He sighed and rolled his eyes, then answered the call. ‘Hey, Mum,’ he said.
‘Hello, darling,’ said a loud, posh woman’s voice. ‘Is everything OK?’
‘Yeah, I’m fine,’ Rob said nervously. ‘I’m just driving. Where are you?’
‘Well, that’s the thing. We’re at Club Colina – we just flew over to surprise you, but they’ve told us at the desk that you don’t work here any more.’
‘Ah,’ said Rob, pulling anoh shitface at Hannah. ‘Right. We should probably talk about that.’
‘Well, quite. Where are you?’
‘I’m a couple of hours away. I’m with a friend.’
‘Oh, how lovely. Is this the woman your father told me about?’