Page 94 of Game, Set, Match
‘I felt like we should chat again,’ said Graham, ‘and since Elena was coming over, I thought I would come too. It was an impulse decision.’ He puffed his chest out with pride, like being impulsive was a new skill he’d just learned.Aside from that time you impulsively ejaculated inside Lucy and left her carrying your baby, thought Hannah.‘She didn’t want to travel alone,’ he added, giving her his most caring smile.
‘She wasn’t alone,’ said Hannah. ‘Luke and Dan are here.’
‘Well,’ said Graham, raising his eyebrows significantly. ‘That bit of news was a shock, along with everything else. I thought she could do with the moral support.’
Hannah narrowed her eyes. ‘Why moral support, Graham, and not just support? What’s morality got to do with it?’
Graham blushed. ‘I didn’t mean—’
Hannah shook her head dismissively. ‘Forget it. Now isn’t the time.’
‘You’re twisting my words,’ Graham spluttered.
Hannah put her hands on her hips and held her ground. ‘And you’re interfering in my family business.’
‘They’re my family too.’ His voice became whiny and wheedling, and Hannah briefly wondered how Lucy felt about being left pregnant and alone in the UK while the father of her unborn child dashed across Europe to plead with his estranged wife.
‘No, they’re not,’ she said firmly. ‘Not any more. You’ve got a new one on the way, remember?’
‘Look, this isn’t about them,’ said Graham, clearly realising that the clock was ticking on Hannah’s patience. ‘It’s about us.’
‘What about us?’ asked Hannah, glancing over Graham’s shoulder. Rob was sitting on the tiled terrace next to his dad’s sun lounger, his arms resting on his knees and his hands clasped. He had sunglasses on so Hannah couldn’t see him watching, but she knew she and Graham were firmly in his gaze. Elena, meanwhile, had removed her giant sunglasses and was still casting radioactive glances at Rob and his parents. Luke and Dan had disappeared, no doubt ordering drinks at the bar and staying away from all the drama.
‘I just think us splitting up was a bit hasty,’ said Graham.
‘You got another woman pregnant, Graham,’ Hannah said with a hollow laugh. ‘I’m guessing that was pretty hasty too.’
‘Don’t be vulgar,’ he snapped, his neck deepening to the colour of a boiled ham. ‘I made a mistake, I admit, but it doesn’t change how I feel about you. I’ve had time to reflect.’
‘And what about Lucy? Where does she fit in? And the baby?’
‘They don’t,’ said Graham. ‘I’ll support the child financially, obviously, but Lucy and I are never going to make it work as a couple. She’s nothing compared to you.’ His lip wobbled, and Hannah could see that an emotional outpouring wasn’t far away.
‘You’re revolting,’ she spat, wondering how she could ever have thought staying with Graham was better than literally any alternative. ‘You can’t just pick women up and then throw them away when things get messy.’ She thought briefly of Rob, and how she’d assumed he was that kind of man. But actually he was nothing like Graham. Nothing at all.
‘Don’t say that,’ said Graham, tears rolling down his face. ‘I love you, Hannah. I’m nothing without you.’ He put out his arms and tried to pull her into a hug, but Hannah wriggled free. Graham sobbed and grabbed her arm, desperate not to let her go.
‘Don’t,’ she said, wrestling her arm away. ‘This isn’t going to happen, Graham. You need to leave.’
‘Is everything OK?’ asked Rob, appearing suddenly at Hannah’s side, his chest heaving like he’d sprinted from the other side of the pool.
‘Who are you?’ asked Graham, taking in the rippling arms and broad shoulders. ‘This is a private conversation.’
Oh shit, thought Hannah, trying internal swearing for the first time. There’d never been a better time, frankly.
‘I’m a friend of Hannah’s,’ said Rob, very obviously giving Graham the once-over. She could only imagine what he’d make of this pale, paunchy, red-faced man.
‘Well, I’m her husband,’ snarked Graham.
‘Ex-husband,’ hissed Hannah through gritted teeth. She looked at her feet and silently cursed Rob for getting involved. Although in fairness to him, she could see why he’d be reluctant to sit on a pool lounger and watch Graham yank her around.
‘Right, so what is this, exactly?’ demanded Graham, glaring at Hannah, and then Rob. ‘Have you met someone else already?’
‘How DARE you ask me that question,’ shouted Hannah, waving her hands in her face like she was fighting off a swarm of bees. ‘YOU of all people.’
‘That’s not fair. I’ve come all this way . . .’
‘NO,’ said Hannah. ‘I’m done with this conversation, I’m not talking about this any more.’ She turned to Rob and met his gaze. ‘What did Mark want?’