Page 3 of These Sinful Kingdoms
“Luca, I don’t have much money left. I am already living on the charity of the Madden’s in Elsie’s apartment. I can’t add a lawyer to that mix as well.” I held her tighter, willing my strength into her.
“I can help with that. We just need to find the best one available.” She pulled away from me, shaking her head.
“No. I can’t take your money, Luca.” Smiling, I opened the car door for her and tweaked her nose, the gesture one I had done a thousand times since we were kids.
“Sure, you can, gorgeous. Why don’t you call the Mendez boys? I know they were handling something for a lawyer not too long ago. I’m sure they can hook you up with the right person.” She slid into the seat with a glare, and I shut the door before she could protest.
When I got to the other side she was fired up and ready with her rebuttal so I stopped her before she could begin.
“Nope. Not going to work. Either you contact them, or I will.” Grinning, I watched as she pulled out her phone with a sigh of defeat.
“Alejandro. Hi. I hope your honeymoon went well.” She smiled as she listened to the reply.
“I have a favor to ask. I have found myself in need of a good lawyer. Do you know anyone who might be able to help?” She stuck her tongue out at me as I hummed my approval.
I had to grip the steering wheel to stop myself from reaching over and pulling her in for a kiss, distracting myself with driving instead.
“Umm. Sure, we could meet now. I think we are heading to Lucello’s for lunch.” I nodded as she glanced at me for confirmation before hanging up.
“Alejandro wants to meet. He said he had a few people who could help.” Her phone vibrated and I caught a glimpse of that damn online dating app she had signed up for, a small smile on her lips.
“See? I told you that we would get it sorted. This will be over with nice and quickly.” She nodded absently as she started typing and jealousy raged through me.
It wasn’t like I hadn’t done my fair share of dating over the years, but nothing stuck. I compared every woman to her, and they all were found wanting.
A number flashed on my own screen, and I grinned. Kingston. He was on babysitting duty today and I bet Fabian was running rings around him.
“King, my man. What can I do for you?” I answered as Aurora looked up with a smile. Kingston was also a self-appointed bodyguard that had stuck around after her father died.
The man was as big as a bear and just as intimidating. I don’t know much about his past, only that he was divorced and never spoke about it.
He had been part of Alonso’s security team, a newer addition, and gravitated towards Aurora like we all seemed to.
“The kid is hungry but won’t eat anything I give him. He also won’t get off that game.” I bit back the laugh at his defeated tone as Aurora groaned.
“Put him on the phone.” She said as Kingston grunted.
“Yeah?” Fabian said, clearly distracted and the sound of Call of Duty could be heard in the background.
“Stop giving Kingston a hard time. Eat what he gives you, Fabian, and get off that damn game.” Aurora said with her mom voice, a voice that always turned me on.
“He tried to feed me chicken nuggets, I’m not a baby. I want sushi.” He said and Aurora rolled her eyes.
“Fine. Order sushi. But get off that damn game.” He didn’t respond, yelling something unintelligible at the game.
“Fab, listen to your mother little man. I promise to play a round of poker with you when I get home if you do.” It was a pastime of ours, the game something every kid learned in Alonso’s family, and I had taken it upon myself to teach him.
“Fine. I’ll even be nice to Kingston.” He said and I grinned as Aurora rolled her eyes.
“See you soon little man.” I hung up and Aurora rubbed the bridge of her nose.
“Kingston is close to leaving. I can feel it.” She muttered and I shook my head.
“Nah. That man is here to stay. Fabian just gives him a hard time because he cares too much. He always worries he is doing something wrong.” Aurora hummed her agreement.
“Do you think Fabian will be okay with me going on a date tonight?” she asked, the words like a knife to my heart.
“I can’t see why not. You know he already said he doesn’t care if you date.” I said carefully as I glanced at her before parking the car.