Page 13 of Virgin Lust
“What is this place?” I asked.
Turning in circles, I didn’t see a door. A hand slid up my arm. Sighing, I grabbed her wrist, and she whined. “Where is she?”
The woman pouted. “Where’s who?”
Then I saw the glimmer on her shoulder.
“What are you waiting for?” She traced her fingers up her ribs before caressing her left breast.
Wait!I looked around the room again. That was it. It was just a room.No!It was a place—a small world of someone else’s making, and they put me inside it. Maybe a dream? It would explain why I passed out the way I did. If this was my dream, then the blonde would be taller with black hair and eyes that could cut me down with their coldness.Why did I smell the mystery woman?
I studied the blonde. Everything about her was meant to entice—oversized breasts, curves for days, long and curly hair, and bright eyes done up in dark makeup. If I hadn’t seen the woman at the human festival, I would have fucked the blonde. Butnow… A hundred women could stand before me, and I’d only think of one.
“You’re not real,” I said.
I slipped right through the blonde in search of the specter in the shadows. Funny thing about illusions. Once discovered, they could no longer be seen or felt.
My cock bobbed painfully in the air as I looked left and right.
Where are you?
I tried to remain unbothered, but my mind was brimming with everything I wanted to do with Miss Candy and Rum.
My madness was there. She was close, and that was all I cared about. Years of loneliness, years of waiting to die, years ofnothingevaporated in my search for her. She would be mine. From the depths of my soul, I knew something new and hopeful would begin with her.
“Come out,” I said. My eyes scanned the room and closed in on a folding screen. Each panel had black ink drawings of cherry blossom trees and mountains.
I stopped in front of it. “I can smell you everywhere.” I waited for her to step out, but she remained quiet. My hands twitched with impatience. I could wait no longer. “Now!”
She gasped.
My patience snapped. I knocked over the screen, and she stood.
Glaring at me, she asked, “How?”
Grasping her arm, I pulled her against me. Soft met hard. Perfection met corruption. I was naked. She wasn’t, but I still appreciated my cock pressing against her stomach. Closing my eyes, I buried my nose against the top of her head and inhaled.
“Who…” The question died on my tongue. I didn’t care about answers anymore. She felt right against me, and that was all that mattered.
She trembled in my arms. “You’re not supposed to….” She trailed off and exhaled deeply when I slid my hand through her hair and tugged her head back. “You shouldn’t be able to see me.”
“You brought me here.” I smiled. “What do you need?” There was a sense of urgency with my desire for her as I squeezed her tight as if I needed us to become one. Something inside of me was restless, like I should be doing more.
Her aroused scent flooded the room. Like her natural fragrance, her sex smelled like candy goodness but richer with her desire. More rum than Jolly Rancher.I lowered my face to her collarbone.
“This is bad,” she panted and wrapped her arms around my neck as I kissed and nuzzled her skin. “You can’t know me.”
“Why?” I dragged my lips over her collarbone, and she shuddered again. She rubbed against my cock, and I groaned. I swallowed heavily as I glanced at her smooth skin. Did she truly exist? Could something so perfect be real?
When I saw her lifting her leg, I caught it effortlessly.She…My thoughts faded as she grinded against me. Her pants were soaked. “Jesus Christ. You’re so wet. I’m going to take care of you.”
She whimpered as her fingers raked through my hair.
Ah, fuck. I nearly fell to my knees when her soft, hot lips covered my earlobe. “Here.” I set her down.
“No,” she whined. The sound sent blood rushing to the tip of my cock. She actually tried climbing back up me like I was a pole.