Page 105 of Heartbeat Girl
“Tell him, Pete.” Marilyn pointed at Steve. “And don’t you think about coming at me with that stick, or it’ll end up in Liam’s chest.”
Steve stiffened, but dropped the stick. I stood, swaying a little.Shit.Whatever Pete used on us still had me tired and weak. The hunger didn’t help. Looking at Pete, my jaw tightened as his head raised. Tears rimmed his eyes.
I staggered backward, then stood taller. I had to keep it together. For my heartbeat girl.She’s probably worried sick right now.She was fine. The bleakness and those tears spilling from Pete’s eyes was for the current situation. It didn’t have anything to do with Jayne.
“Tell me what?” I finally croaked out, meeting Pete’s gaze. His head lowered, and my heart sank.
Fangs out, Marilyn grinned. “Your precious Jayne is dead.”
Pain so sharp hit my chest I doubled over. “You lie.” I shook my head, grabbing the cross hanging from my neck. “She’s a part of me. I would know.”
“I know exactly what you’re thinking,” Marilyn spat. “And you’re wrong. There’s no such thing as a vampire mate. All you have is me, your sire. It’s time to remember that, but you have centuries to make it up.”
“You’re wrong!” I lunged forward. Her hand grabbed my wrist. She twisted it, and my bone cracked beneath her iron grip. All of my pain screamed through my weakened body, wanting to burst out and end anyone who lied about my Jayne. Ignoring my mangled limb, I pushed Marilyn to the ground. My working hand wrapped around her neck. She threw me off her as soon as we hit the grass.
“You’re lying!” I screamed.
My mind was in chaos. I refused to believe my sweet, sweet Jayne was gone. Her love was woven through me.
Marilyn wanted me to trust her lies so I wouldn’t have the strength to face her. That was the only thing I could believe. If I dared to let myself think, I’d drive a stake through my heart before I lived withoutmy heartbeat girl.I couldn’t go back to the life Marilyn forced on us, not after having a slice of heaven in my arms.
I bared my fangs at Marilyn as she sneered down at me. As liquid filled my eyes, she blurred in my vision.Jayne. Please be okay. I need you.Despite what I believed, Marilyn’s words had the right affect. I gripped my chest and screamed.
Marilyn scoffed. “Are you crying for the bitch who tried to steal you from me?”
When Marilyn tried clawing at my face, I blocked her nails. I winced as my bone snapped into place from its healing.
“How do you defy me?” Red flashed through Marilyn’s eyes as she hissed. “You belong to me! No one else.”
When she went to grab my face, I gripped her hand and shoved her forward.
“That’s where you’re wrong!” Steve came up behind her and locked his arm around her neck. “I can’t attack her like you can. I can’t resist the bond as much as you!”
He could refuse Marilyn, but it took longer for him. I had to be quick. When I took the branch from him, a shot rang out. Blood spewed on my face. Steve’s eyes widened. His arms dropped from Marilyn, and he toppled over. Who attacked us? I looked around and snarled. Randy and a few other of Marilyn’s men had arrived.
“About time you showed,” Marilyn said, flicking her dirty hair off her shoulder. “Don’t kill them. They’ve done wrong, but…” She slid her hand up my neck and smiled. I batted it away. “Theywillmake it up to me.”
With a war cry, I lunged for Marilyn with the branch. Marilyn snarled as I aimed for her heart. A shot rang out, and my grip on the stick loosened. It hit the ground. My vision blurred. I looked down at the blood seeping from the bullet wound in my chest. Randy laughed.
I was so close…
My eyes drifted shut as my body tipped forward.
Chapter Thirty-Six
Ican’t believe Marilyn took us here. That was the one place she was never supposed to find. The band’s first sanctuary after getting rich. And away from her.
Freshly showered, Marilyn came down the stairs in one of Liam’s shirts. For the last hour, she’d been ranting and hadn’t stopped.
“I never wanted you three to show off your talents, your songs, or your instruments.” Her eyes roamed the house.Ourhouse. The band’s. The three of us bought this secluded home in California after signing with Black Hearts. We knew we’d stay in the state. After all, it was where Jayne lived.
Anger burned my gut. Even hungry, my body vibrated with its urgency to tear into Marilyn. She fluttered around our place, wearing Liam’s clothes like it all belonged to her. Through her control, it very well would be. And that pissed me off.
Castle and Yuki, Marilyn’s underlings, held me by my shoulders. Pete and I were still on our knees. Liam was unconscious on the floor beside us. It wouldn’t be long before he woke again and went into another fit of rage, trying to attack Marilyn. Randy took repeated pleasure in snapping Liam’s neck. Every time I tried to calm Liam, it was like he couldn’t hear me. His emotions consumed him. I even had to block him out of my mind to keep those feelings from consuming me, too. It took everything I had to keep myself in check.