Page 110 of Heartbeat Girl
“They’ll always be… mine,” Marilyn rasped before bursting into smoke and ash. A slight wind ruffled my hair.
Sensing Liam drooping beside me, I turned in time for him to fall against me. With a strength I never possessed before, I held my lover upright as if he weighed nothing more than a feather. It was strange. I sensed all of his weight, but it didn’t hinder me at all. Wrapping one arm around him, I pushed my hair aside, offering my neck. “Drink,” I said.
Liam didn’t protest. A palm landed against my ass, gripped it possessively, and then my lover’s fangs pierced my neck. I moaned, nipping the corner of my lip with my own fangs by mistake. I held onto Liam with both arms, but with him being weak and me turning to liquid fire from his bite, we sank to the floor.
Oh God.
If I thought his bite was ecstasy when I was human, it was out of this world now that I was like him. Ecstasy burst across my skin, connecting Liam and me to something that felt so much bigger than a mere bite. He groaned, teeth sinking deeper, and I knew when his strength returned. His hold on me roughened. His tongue flicked out, teasing my skin before he took a fresh bite. He trailed his fingers up my rips until he fondled my breasts one at a time.Ohhh my... Yes.What has he been withholding from me?
“Liam,” I whispered.
With a groan, he tore his mouth away. His blackened orbs electrified me as much as his touches did. He cocked his head to the side and rubbed his thumb beneath my eyes.
“Red eyes look good on you.” He pressed his forehead against mine. “I thought you were Heaven as a human. I didn’t think you could taste or feel any better, but here you are. I feel you all over, all inside me. It’s fucking fantastic.”
“I know,” I breathed against his mouth before we kissed.
When our lips parted, he murmured, “If you ever scare me like that again…”
“You’ll what?” I smiled.
“Use me instead next time. If you ever risk yourself for us again, you might as well kill me.”
“He’s right,” Steve murmured. Dropping on one knee beside me, he took my hand and brought it to his lips. “Do what you will of me as well. After all, I’m at your disposal.”
That’s right. I owned them. I frowned as I looked to Liam, then Pete, who stood back a couple of feet, too afraid to approach. His guilt ate at him. I sensed it throughout our bonds. I couldn’t stand it. While I needed the power to free them from Marilyn, I wouldn’t keep it.
“I can free you all, right? So, you won’t be bound to me or anyone ever—”
“I’m going to stop you right there.” Slowly, Steve gazed up and smiled. “I never dreamed I’d get such a gift. There’s no one I’d rather be bound to for eternity, Jayne. You saved us. With you, we are free.”
“The rest of Marilyn’s vampires will know she’s gone,” Liam said. “You’re their sire now. You can let them go as they seek you out. It’s your choice.”
That wasn’t comforting. The thought of being linked to such vile creatures made my skin crawl. “How many did she have?” I asked.
Steve shrugged. “Who knows?”
“Are you sure you want to stay this way?” I asked again. “What if I accidentally reach into your mind or look through your eyes like Marilyn—” I already heard some of their thoughts.
Liam grabbed my face and pressed his nose to mine. “You’llneverbe Marilyn.”
I sighed deeply, then scrunched my face as I remembered something. “Marilyn tasted good for an evil person. Does everyone taste that good?”
Steve laughed. “You’ve never drank yourself to know how good someone can taste.”
Liam glared at him before saying, “You won’t be drinking from anyone but me.”
“How is that possible?” I asked.
“It’s possible,” Liam promised. “The myth is true. Vampires can find mates. And once found, they feed andliveoff each other. Marilyn’s blood only tasted good because you were transitioning. Your body will reject everyone else’s blood from now on.”
That was beautiful and kind of strange at the same time. If Liam was correct, vampires couldliterallysurvive off love. How romantic.
“Try it out on me.” Steve thrust his neck out toward me. Liam elbowed him away.
“You’re weak. You need to go feed,” I said to Steve. “I think Larissa’s men have humans on call.”
“On call?” Liam’s mouth curled up on one side.