Page 58 of Heartbeat Girl
“He’s right. I’m not,” I stated and watched the black creep into Liam’s pupils again.
“Jayne.”Liam’s voice was laced with a warning.
Caution! Proceed carefully.
His eyes flickered over me—a visual caress I felt down to the tips of my toes. “I sense you and your truths. Never deny me.”
I blushed, then averted my gaze. “Enough,” I said. “I’m not finished asking my questions.”
Steve rubbed his arm. “Ask away. I’ll answer.”
“What part does Ruth play in this?”
It turned out vampires weren’t the only things in the world. Apparently, demons inhabited a place called the Underworld. Vampires were one of the many demon species that dwelled in that domain. Ruth lived there with Amit, whom Liam called a soul reaper. It was too easy to believe their words. It explained why Ruth left behind all her money. She didn’t need American currency in another fucking realm. And it explained the creepy-ass book she carried around, and why so many mysterious deaths centered on her over the years. Amit became a possessive demon and allowed no one close to her. And heatesouls. I was still trying to come to terms with the band drinking blood. How in the world did Ruth accept her lover devouring souls? Then again, my vampire band didn’t have souls. Liam had fangs, a soulless body, and a beatless heart.
But his skin wasn’t cold, just not exactly warm either. His lips were soft, and his touch was strong. Enough to do whatever he wanted to a defenseless human. I shivered.
“You trust Amit with Ruth?” I asked for the billionth time, ignoring my hot and cold body signals.
“He’s a prick, but one thing’s for certain. Amit worships the ground she walks on, even if he didn’t realize it at first. She’s safe with him,” Liam answered.
I relaxed.
“More like anyone who looks at her the wrong way is in danger,” Pete added. “Right, Liam?”
Liam’s chin lifted, gaze narrowed. “Nothing wrong with protecting what belongs to you.”
“That’s a barbaric way of thinking,” I said.
Liam turned to me. “Amit belongs to Ruth just as much as she does him. If it’s meant to be, fate will even things out, so the strongest desire the weak. And are swayed by them. Same for the weak. They’re drawn to the big and powerful, searching for safety and comfort.”
I sat taller on the couch, unsure I liked the way Liam watched me.
“It’s why you date the meatheads you do. They give you a false sense of safety because of the way they’re built, and you crave that feeling.”
Excuse me?
“Stop,” I snapped. “That’s the second time you’ve mentioned something about the men I date. I haven’t dated anyone in a long time, so I’m really curious why you think you know my type.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Liam grumbled. “You desire protection.”
“Liam,” I said.
“You want devotion,” Liam continued.
Fisting my hands, I stood. “Wrong. I want someone to say what they mean and mean what they say. Someone tostayand never leave. I want a touch that never strays to someone else.Loyalty.Respect. And yes, devotion from someone who makes me feel safe. There are many layers to what I want, Liam. I guess that can’t be understood by vampires who need to touch a new woman every night.”
I slapped a hand over my mouth when I realized what I said. I may have revealed the part of Liam I disliked, along with the reason for my jealousy.
Looking away, I searched for an escape. “Since there’s nothing more to say, I’m going to go unpack my things. I dare any of you to disturb me.”
I had to keep a sense of control in a bus full of vampires. Or most accurately, around Liam, whose gaze made my back tingle as I walked to the bedroom.
Chapter Nineteen