Page 66 of Before We Fall
I take her in my arms, holding her close, rubbing my hand up and down her side as I try to give her comfort and hide my anger from her.
“He was in my house, Ben,” she whispers again, her body seemingly shaking more.
“I know, Baby.”
“He was sending a message,” she whispers, and I don’t reply, because we both know that he is. “He won’t stop,” she adds and that’s when I shake my head no.
“He’ll stop, Junebug. He’ll stop because I’ll make him stop.”
Junie doesn’t reply, Maybe she doesn’t believe me, but she will. I’m going to kill this motherfucker and when I do, I won’t lose a minute of sleep.
Not one minute.
They’re tearing Juniper’s house apart, but the idiots are looking in the wrong places. They’ll never find my cameras. They’re milling around like little ants, no idea that I can see everything they’re doing.
And Juniper. That fucking Sheriff is hanging all over her… and she’s letting him. Even after my warning. The sheriff is proving to be a complication I hadn’t planned on. I’m going to have to contain him soon. I need him out of the way. Once I’m back in Tennessee and have shown Juniper what happens when she upsets me, she’ll be easier to handle. She’s ran too wild for way too long.
Life was actually better when she was gone. I could fuck who I wanted to fuck without having her bitch and scream at me about it. Not that I didn’t enjoy reminding her that I was in charge, still, she became so annoying. It would have been fine if Ryker hadn’t stuck his nose into my business. No, I have to get Junie back. Then I can get my life back. Once that’s done… I can kill her…. Slowly.
That idea brings me so much pleasure that I can barely contain it. I take out my cell and dial, my hand practically shaking with glee. I look at the monitor, pleasure coursing through me as Juniper picks up her telephone. I have the caller ID blocked, just like I have each time I’ve called. It doesn’t matter, it wouldn’t show my name, but I didn’t want it to show the other just yet, either. Juniper is nothing if not stubborn, she’ll quit answering for me, and that’s when I’ll need other ways to get to her.
“Did you like the calla lilies?” I murmur, enjoying seeing the color leech from her face. If I don’t move this along faster, I may need to invest in a large monitor.
“You bastard. Why are you doing this? Why after all this time?”
“When you left, everything changed. I want my life back, Juniper.”
“I’m not part of your life!” she cries, and I laugh.
“Do you remember what I told you when you left me, Punkin’? I think you need to be reminded. I told you that no matter where you go, we will always be a part of each other.”
“I will never,everbe a part of you. You disgust me, Greg.”
“You’ll pay for that soon. Or maybe your boyfriend will. I see him coming in to save the day. How tiring,” I reply, watching as the fucking Sheriff comes into the view of the camera.
“You stay away from Ben,” she hisses. “He’s nothing to you. We—”
The sheriff jerks the phone out from her ear, and I should hang up, but I really can’t resist taunting him, at least once.
“You’re real brave, spying on a woman and trying to intimidate her, aren’t you, Rat Boy? How about you meet me, and we have this out man to man? You name the place.”
“Always so quick to face off with me like a mindless neanderthal. Have you ever heard of Kenneth Grahame, Sheriff? No, of course you haven’t. You’ve probably never read a book. “He basically said when you use a brain against brute force, the brain always wins.”
“Meet me and we’ll see if he’s right.”
“It’s not you I’m after, at least not yet. If you know what’s healthy for you, you’ll leave Juniper alone. She belongs to me, she always has.”
“Now you’re the stupid one.”
“We could argue the point, but I’m afraid I need to go. Your men might have managed to break through my security measures. Not likely, but you never know. Until we meet again, Sheriff,” I tell him, hanging up the phone.
I could take pleasure in the anger I see on his face, but he ruins that by taking Juniper into his arms.
Yes, I’m definitely going to have to contain the sheriff soon….