Page 81 of Before We Fall
“Tonight,” I tell her, smiling so big it’s practically painful.
In the years, since Greg tried to kill me life has taken on an idyllic reality that sometimes I have to pinch myself to believe it. Greg isn’t even a worry anymore. He’s serving life without the possibility of parole, because he confessed to everything to avoid getting the death penalty for murder. Gavin and Luna are blissfully happy, my nephew is well on his way to being a football legend, plus now I have a niece to spoil. I still own the bar and it’s doing really good. So well that we have money in our savings account for landscaping, to make our backyard as perfect as the rest of the house. My hand goes to my stomach, and I know it’s too soon, but I could swear I feel movement. I’ll need to fix a nursery soon and start our little peanut a college fund.
“Ben will be over the moon,” Luna says, and I nod my head in agreement.
“He will. He was starting to get impatient and while I didn’t mind the way he worked out his frustration, I can’t wait to tell him.”
“Tell me what, Junebug?” Ben asks. He comes up behind me, wraps his arms around my waist and pulls my back against his chest, and kisses me where my shoulder and neck meet.
My eyes go round, and I look at Luna, my brain going completely blank.
“She’s going to get you to help Gavin and Joshua put Aylin’s room together tomorrow before I bring her home. I wasn’t exactly planning on going into labor so soon, but I guess Aylin had other plans.”
“Oh, I can do that,” Ben says, kissing my cheek.
“I can’t believe we get to take our little miracle home in two days,” Luna murmurs, as Gavin puts the baby in her arms. My heart squeezes as I watch mother and child together, and I can only think one thing.
Soon that will be me.
We say our goodbyes and I wink at Luna. Ben takes my hand after I hug Joshua bye. Then, we walk down the hall, our footsteps echoing around us.
“She’s beautiful, Ben.”
“That she is. I don’t want you to be sad, Junie,” he says, and I stop walking to peer up at him.
“Why would I be sad?”
“Because we’re not pregnant yet. Itwillhappen, Baby. We haven’t even been trying for a year yet. Someday soon, we’ll have our own baby girl—or boy. I don’t want you to doubt that.”
“I don’t,” I tell him, curling into his body as he hugs me close.
“You sure?” he asks, pulling away slightly to stare into my eyes.
“I’m positive. Quit worrying. Besides, it will be good for our child to have a cousin who is about the same age. They’ll be best friends like Luna and I’ve grown to be.”
“That’s a great outlook, Junie, but don’t get disappointed if it doesn’t happen right away. We’ll make it happen. Remember what I told you once years ago? We can do anything. We just have to do it together.”
“I remember, Hubby. Quit worrying, it makes you tired. We can’t have that.”
“We can’t?” he says with a laugh, having no idea what I’m getting at. “Why is that? Do you have wicked plans for me that will require my full energy?”
“Well that and the fact that when March rolls around our baby will need all of Daddy’s attention.”
“You’ll always get my…Wait.What did you say?” he asks, his face incredulous.
I beam up at him. “I said you’re going to be a Daddy.”
“I… You… We’re…”
“Yes, yes,yes,” I respond, laughing because Ben is clearly so shocked, he can’t even form a complete sentence.
“I’m going to be a Daddy,” he says, awestruck.
“And I’m going to be a Mommy,” I agree.
Ben, surprising me, dropping down to his knees, grabbing my hips, pulling my stomach to his mouth and presses a kiss against my abdomen, where our child is growing. “Daddy loves you, little one,” he says, not moving his lips away from my stomach and warmth and happiness flows through me.
A couple of people walk around us, giving us a wide berth and looking curiously at Ben.