Page 62 of Venom and Lace
And so I did. All of it this time, including the part about Cian’s family, his ex-fiancée. I left nothing out and didn’t hold back. When the tears came, she held my hand and squeezed tightly. And when I was finished, it was like I was empty inside. There was a hole where my heart was, and it was because of Cian. I didn’t know if there was any way to fix it, but I would try. I would try to help Ryzen to make up for what I’d done, and try to forget that Cian ever existed. No matter how hard that was going to be.
“That scumbag. I can’t believe he had the nerve to pull that!” She paced back and forth in our small office. “That really makes me burn inside, that he would take advantage of you like that. Have you been out back yet?”
I shook my head. “The rage yard? No, I was waiting for you.”
“Get your helmet, La Roux, but first I have an idea.” She snapped her fingers. “Meet me out back in ten.”
I grinned at her excitement. She was bringing me back to life, and I loved her dearly because of it.
Ten minutes later I strapped my helmet on and walked out back to find Juliet had taped pictures of Cian on random objects throughout the yard.
I held my hand out. “Give me the bat. It’s time for some payback.”
Goodbye, Cian.
I raised my bat and swung as hard as I could.
Goodbye, liar.
Goodbye, manipulator.
Another smash.
Goodbye, broken heart.
Smash, smash, smash.
Goodbye, love.
Chapter Nineteen
I grabbed another glass of champagne from the server as he hurried past me. Booze. I needed booze if I was going to get through this shit show of an engagement party. The sound of plates clattering and people chatting was giving me a headache. We shouldn’t have come. Seeing Grace put on her little show was enough to make me want to vomit.
I curled my lip up as I glared in her direction. She was such a faker, walking around pretending to be in love. But I saw right through her. There was no room for love in her icy heart, only evil.
A group of men were surrounding Ryzen, like he was the cool new kid in class and they all wanted to “ooh” and “ahh” over him. He was enjoying himself and was quite the charmer. To say my parents loved him was an understatement. Of course they did—they could smell his money from miles away. I rolled my eyes and took another drink of my champagne as my dad clapped Ryzen on the back. Hell, even Grams liked him. At least it appeared that way. You could never really tell with her. But she was smiling and nodding along as he talked, so I took that as a good sign.
Things were moving fast. Too fast. Ryzen’s assistant had happily taken charge of planning the big details of the wedding. We were going to get married at his countryside home, where there was a huge empty barn just waiting to be filled with wedding guests. Rustic chic was what his assistant called it. Boho bullshit was more like it. But it didn’t matter. It was all for show. All for Covington.
Three weeks. Three weeks was all I had left before I signed my soul away.
OK, that was a bit dramatic. Besides, it was only temporary, and I had agreed to do it.
Grace and Dalton sauntered over and cornered me by the fireplace.
“Wow, you showed up. Shocking.” She rolled her eyes and clung to Dalton’s arm. “You’re only here because Mommy and Daddy said we had to invite you. And your fiancé is stealing all the attention. It’smyengagement party, Nova. Not yours.”
There was only one way to deal with my sister, and it was by matching her energy. If you showed any sign of weakness, it would only feed her demonic soul.
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t be so boring, Grace, and people would pay attention to you.” I grinned and grabbed a mini egg roll as the server plowed past us.
“You can’t talk to her like that,” Dalton huffed, his cheeks reddening.
“I wasn’t speaking to you, Dalton. You’ll know when I am, because I’ll look you directly in your lifeless eyes.” I took a bite of the egg roll and scrunched up my nose. “Now, if you’ll excuse me…” I dropped the egg roll in his glass of whiskey and turned my back, Grace’s jaw falling to the floor.
Served them right. Bunch of bullies. Well, I was done with bullies and letting people walk all over me. Not anymore.