Page 64 of Venom and Lace
Footsteps pounded on the wooden floors in the hallway, and I straightened my back. Shit, Ryzen was probably wondering what was taking me so long. I slipped my shoes back on and tucked the box under my arm. The door creaked slightly, and I peeked my head around the corner, looking for Ryzen. It was too dark to see down the hall, and I flicked the light switch on and off.
Nothing happened.
Great. I’d probably break my damn neck in these heels going down those narrow stairs. My hand slid against the wall as I guided myself down the hallway, barely enough light coming through the window at the opposite end.
“Ryzen, are you up here?” I whispered.
The hairs on the back of my neck stood up when I didn’t get a response. A soft light was trickling under the doorframe of Grace’s old room, and I held my breath. If she was up here, then I definitely didn’t want to be up here. Not alone with her. She might push me down the stairs.
I slipped my heels off and tiptoed as quietly as I possibly could down the hall, saying a silent amen when I passed her door.Not tonight, Satan.
Light flooded the hallway, hands wrapping around my waist and tugging me into the room. I screamed, dropping my heels and box of diaries on the floor. I didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. I could feel him. Smell him. The familiar scent of him raced up my nose, making my heart want to explode.
“Trying to scurry away, little mouse?” he whispered in my ear, sending chills up my arms.
I struggled against his grasp, and he let me go. My chest heaved up and down, my fists clenching when I turned to face him. “You should not be here right now.”
His eyes devoured mine, and I swayed towards him.No. Down, girl. He’s the enemy, remember?
“What the hell is going on, Nova? You can’t possibly be serious about this wedding. Withhim.” Cian’s voice was laced with contempt. “You haven’t returned any of my calls. Why?”
I took a step back, tripped over the box and landed on my ass. He took a step forward, his hand held out to me.
“No!” I hissed. “Get away from me or I’ll scream.”
He froze, his eyes widening. I lifted myself up and pulled my dress down. “Why haven’t I returned your calls? Hmm, let me think.” I tapped my chin, my pulse quickening. “Oh, I know. Because I’m not falling for your stupid lies anymore.”
“I have never lied to you.” His body tensed, his lips set in a flat line.
“Cut the bullshit, Cian. I talked to Iva. She told me everything.” My voice cracked, and I bit my bottom lip. I would not show him any weakness. Otherwise he would win.
“Nova.” He took a step forward. “Whatever you think is happening is not true. I promise you.”
My jaw fell open, and I scoffed. “Oh, you promise me? That you’re not sleeping with her? Using me to get back at Ryzen? I’m so happy you cleared that up for me. You’re a liar, and I will not be a pawn in your little game anymore.” I bent down and grabbed my heels. I would not stay and listen to his lies. He could not hurt me. Not anymore. I wouldn’t allow it.
Cian ran his fingers through his hair, the color draining from his face. “Nova, listen to me.”
“No!” I threw my hands in the air, unable to control the fire building inside of me. “I trusted you, Cian. I believed you. I felt for you. And it was all a lie.” Tears spilled down my cheeks and I didn’t bother wiping them away. He grimaced and tried to speak, but I held my hand up and shook my head. “I thought—I thought we…” I choked on the words, unable to get them out. “You used me.” There was a painful tightness in my throat, and I just wanted to get away. Far away from him.
He pulled me against him, his breath ragged. “I will not lose you, little star.” His eyes searched my face.
“It’s too late. I was a fool, but not anymore.” I jerked free of his grasp and ran down the stairs as fast as I could, out the back door and into the dark of the night. The stabbing in my chest grew worse, and I pumped my legs faster, harder, not caring where I ended up, so long as it was far away from him.
“Owen, let them do it. They are professionals,” I scolded him for the tenth time that afternoon.
“Thora would lose her shit right now if she saw what was happening. They are moving things in the wrong order.” He held up a spreadsheet. “It’s all here, Nova.”
“You have to calm down, Owen. It’s under control.” I patted him on the arm.
Today was moving day for us. Well, the last of many days of moving. This was stage three, as Thora had called it. Our little warehouse in the back was completely empty, and so was almost our entire office. All incoming shipments that we had worried so much about having to cancel were now safely tucked away in our new warehouse, and production was in full swing for La Madam Orgo’s order. We had a designer flying in from New York to help design our storefront. Everything was going perfectly.
So why was I miserable?
“Hey, happy last day of moving!” Juliet came in with her hands in the air.