Page 9 of My Grumpy SEAL
I practically run out of there.
* * *
In my officeI clench and unclench my fist. What the hell was that?! Getting a boner right in the middle of a meeting!
I clench my fist tighter at what I did in the toilet to get rid of the boner. It involved a vivid memory of the other night.
“Pull yourself together. Do better!” I snap at myself. Remembering the way she had looked at me a few minutes ago infuriates me even more. “She’s a kid, Jake. Remember that.” I start pacing around my office, mumbling to myself everything I used to dislike about her.
Used to, she is all grown up now.
“Shut up,” I practically growl at myself.
A knock at my door snaps me back to reality. Returning to my chair, I arrange myself properly and grab a file before saying, “Come in.”
A brunette head pops into my room and I almost groan. I should’ve never employed her.
“You left so suddenly I couldn’t give you my proposal on the wedding.” She walks in and I notice how well her pantsuit hugs her hips. They sway as she walks closer. Shaking my head I try to center my thoughts.
“What proposal?”
“I have some other ideas that I’d like you to check for the wedding.” She drops the file on my table and turns to leave.
“Miss Ortiz,” I call to her retreating figure. “While you were successful today, your methods were a bit unethical. Appealing to the groom’s history or the bride’s vanity will not always work. Because if you had done your research properly you would know that Harry’s long history of veterans did not technically start at the First World War but the second. And next time, try to show up before your client.”
I could see her jaw ticking as she nods at me. “Yes, sir. I’ll take note.” She turns to leave again.
“Also, we have another meeting with the staff in an hour.”
“For what?”
I raise my eyebrow at her. “We need people to execute whatever ideas you come up with.” I turn to the file as a way of dismissing her and a few seconds later I hear the door click shut. I half expected a bang with the way she looked at me.
An hour later I am seated in the same meeting room and surrounded by my staff members. Bella is seated on the other end of the table.
Clearing my throat to get their attention, I stare at my staff. Most of them have been around since the very start when the resort opened two years ago. “We have a new addition to the family,” I announce, gesturing at Bella. “Since we started hosting events at the resort we have either outsourced or let our client bring in their event planner. But in a recent turn of events,” which involved Harry’s incessant pleading, “I have decided to introduce a new department which will be in charge of planning and organizing any event hosted by the resort. But because this is a new department and we are yet to get the necessary staff, I’m going to need everyone to help on the organizing of this wedding happening next month.” That receives some murmurs. “I’m going to need all hands on deck and while I am fully aware of the extra workload, I promise that this is only temporary and I will make it worth your while.”
I turn my full attention to Bella. “On that note, I'd like to introduce Miss Bella Ortiz, our new event planner and head of the new department.” Her head shoots up and she gives me a suspicious look. I say, “Please give her your full cooperation to ensure the success of this wedding. Miss Ortiz, any words?” The surprise is evident on her face and she literally jumps out of her chair.
“Um, hi. It’s very nice to meet you all and I look forward to working with you.” She sits down immediately. Rolling my eyes at her poor introduction, I open the file she gave me.
“Miss Ortiz has already set the ball rolling and dropped some ideas for the upcoming wedding. Miss Ortiz, if you will.” She startles again and I almost laugh at how wide her eyes get every time she is startled.
“I’m supposed to present now?” She asks and I raise my brow.
“No better time than the present.”
“But I’m not prepared.”
“I'd like to believe you came up with this yesterday.” I raise the file. “But if you are in need of assistance,” I stretch the file out to her. Tristan who is beside me takes the file and passes it to her. She clutches the file to her chest as she takes the floor. Gone was the confident woman of an hour ago and I almost feel sorry for her but one thing about working with me is you must always know how to think on your feet.
She starts to speak then stops, clears her throat and tries to smile. “Miss Ortiz, any day now.”
“Right, right.” She opens the file. “From my conversation with the bride, I figured out that most of the ideas of the former wedding planner haven’t been set in stone like the venue for the wedding.” She glances at me.
“That’s supposed to be held in the main hall,” I tell her, ignoring her heated gaze. I had actually suggested holding it at the beach but Cecilia had shut it down.
“Yes, but when I proposed the idea of an outdoor wedding to really sell the whole whimsical, fairytale story, she was amenable.”