Page 14 of My Single Dad SEAL
He came closer, his body mere inches away from mine. He sighed and leaned in, his face coming down next to my ears. Desire slid down my spine.
"Do you like what you see?" His warm breath fanned my ears.
"Mr. Harvey, I feel quite intimidated right now."
"You smell so good. Like wild apples."
"It's my shampoo," I replied.
"I love how you smell."
His words were doing something to my body. It made me tingle. It made me ache.
"Mr. Harvey, are you listening to me? Please let me go," I asked him for my own sanity. I didn't think that I could stay there any longer without doing something I should not.
Everything about him was making me lose my sanity.
"If you want me to let you go, then why are your hands on me?" he asked.
I looked down to see that my hands were placed on his chest and it was like my body was acting on its own, not listening to my brain. I couldn't take my eyes off my hands that were on him, feeling his warm, soft smooth skin under my hand and his heartbeat against my palm, and like I've been burned, I yanked my hands away.
"I'm sorry," I said.
He didn't reply. He just stared at me for the longest time, holding my gaze.
He suddenly pulled away, opening the door and letting me out. I didn't waste any time in getting out of the room and running across the hall into Lily's room.
The moment I closed the door, I rested my back against it, breathing a sigh of relief. I didn't think that I was going to make it out of there without doing something dangerous, but turns out I underestimated my own self discipline.
I went towards Lily's closet and chose the first shirt that looked like it was going to be my size. I pulled my top over my head and traded it for hers. I rushed downstairs. I didn't want Lily to worry or wonder why I was taking so long.
"You did not tell me that your dad was around," I accused. "You told me that he wasn't going to be home."
"Well, he had plans, but then he canceled. I didn't think it was a big deal."
"He is a big deal. How many times am I going to have to tell you that?"
"Please, you need to get used to him already," she spoke to me like it was nothing.
"That is going to take a while. I don't see it happening soon."
She looked closely at me. "You look flushed. Are you okay?"
"Yes, I am. It’s just that running into your dad was something, and I was not expecting him."
"Was he mean to you? I can talk to him if you want."
"No, no, no." I wave my hands in front of her. Lily is someone that follows through on whatever she says, something I recently learned she took after from her father. I didn't want her to misunderstand me, in case she actually walked up to him and talked him down. "I don't think that that would be a good idea. I work for him, you know?"
"That doesn't mean he can treat you any way he wants. You're my friend."
"And that is why I need to do well. I can't misuse the fact that I came through you. But honestly, he wasn't mean to me. I was just a little overwhelmed because I encountered him without prior notice."
"Ok then. Are you sure?"
"Mm-hmm." I nodded, and she carried on like nothing happened.
I was so glad that she didn't suspect anything, but it also made me feel a little weird because I know that she's not suspecting anything because she trusts me. But George Harvey was a hard man to turn away from.