Page 3 of My Single Dad SEAL
Just then, Penelope walked in to save me from the very awkward situation.
"George, how are you doing this morning?"
"I could be better, Penny. How's the baby?" His baritone voice vibrated through me.
"Very active. I see you have met Miss Williams."
"Yes, I have." He crossed his fingers and placed them on the table. He didn't look very impressed as he ran his gaze over me.
"Don't be too harsh on her, okay?"
"I will be counting down the days for your return," he replied, reminding me that this was only temporary.
Penelope rolled her eyes. "Play nice. Now over the course of this week I will hand over everything to her and run her through on what to do and what not to do. It will help if you start working with her as well."
"Are you trying to beat around the bush by indirectly telling me not to call on you?"
"You know me, I'd say it to your face. Now, that is the fine from the development team for the Manhattan project. They want you to look through and see if you want any changes made. They sent an email of the prototype file as well."
"Thank you."
I remained quiet as they had their conversation, trying to pick up as much as I could.
When they were done, I followed Penelope out the door.
"George is going to take some getting used to. He doesn't welcome change well and I have been working with him for over five years, but you will be fine."
I wanted to tell her that I doubt that.
"He likes his coffee black and he takes roughly two to three cups per day. He likes his first cup when he arrives for work and the other one mid-day. If he wants extra, he will let you know, or sometimes you can tell by how cranky he gets."
Nothing she was saying put me at ease, but I just went with it.
She took him his first cup of coffee after showing me how to make one.
We spent all morning going through what my job entailed. Around noon, he rang for another cup of coffee. I had learned by that time the difference between when he buzzes and when he rings. The former means to report to his office, the latter was to pass information across to me without necessarily leaving my desk.
I went to make the coffee with Penelope's supervision, and carried it to his office with my heart in my throat.
He didn't look up from his computer as I set it down with hands that were a little too shaky.
I realized that I had placed the cup on the edge of a file, and my brain thought it was better to move the file instead of the cup.
I pulled the file a little too hard, causing the cup to tip over and its contents spilling over the table and unto my new boss' thighs.
Everything happened so fast that it took me a moment to realize what just happened. I had just spilled coffee all over Mr. Harvey.
I panicked and immediately grabbed some tissues from the box on his table and ran to the other side and started wiping off his pants.
"Miss Williams," he called out, but I was too carried away, too scared to register that he just called my name. I kept dabbing.
"Miss Williams." He grabbed my hand and stopped me. He looked at me through his eyebrows and he looked very angry.
"Oh my. I'm so sorry. I got nervous. I don't know what I was thinking. This is bad." I was panicking. "I don't know what to do. Do you want me to get ice or some cold water to cool off your legs?"