Page 26 of Banshee's Lament
“He said I was his,” I reply, shrugging.
Her eyes grow wide, but she doesn’t say anything until Sage and Sloane have joined us, then she turns to them and whisper-yells, “He told her she was his!”
“What’s the big deal?” I ask, getting a little aggravated. Although, I might actually be hangry. Guess until I have some food in my stomach, the jury will remain out.
“The big deal is these men of ours,” Sage says, pointing to the other two women, “are alpha assholes to the extreme most of the time.”
“Until they fall for a woman,” Sloane adds, nodding while removing the paper from her straw. “When that happens, it’s obvious to anyone who’s ever been around him.”
“So, y’all know Banshee?” I question, eager to hear anything there is to know about him, but not wanting to examine the reasons closely.
“No, not at all, but we’re great listeners,” Ember teases, giggling. “And we’ve all heard the guys talking about the three lone wolves from Roanoke who were stopping by on their way home. Only, when y’all arrived, only two of the men were that, while the other was obviously taken.”
“We just met like yesterday!” I exclaim, nearly choking on my soda at her words.
“They move fast,” Sloane says.
“Well, except when Ares thought he was being all noble and shit,” Ember retorts. “I ended up having to take things into my own hands, for heaven’s sake!”
“This is true,” Sage muses. “But in the case of Rory and Banshee, I think he was hit by Cupid’s arrow on the side of the road. Then, something happened after they went up to bed and now, she’s his, plain and simple. Doesn’t matter to these men that in the rest of the world, couples get to know one another for a bit longer. If they choose you, just hang on tight and enjoy the ride.”
I can feel my face heating up even further when I remember the ‘ride’ I got this morning in the shower, then I shrug. “Well, he may change his mind the first time I get my period. I tend to be… a bit irrational, or so I’ve been told.”
The other three women hoot and holler out their hilarity, causing the other patrons around us to turn and glare. I watch as the prospect stands and moves closer to our table, scowling at each and every one of them until they turn away and resume what they were doing.
“Damn, that’s pretty impressive,” I whisper.
“I think they teach it in Biker 101,” Sage replies, snickering. “Each of the men in the club has the ability to scowl at someone and cause them to change whatever they planned to do around without saying a damn word.”
“Maybe it’s the ‘mom’ look?” I ask, remembering how Grams was able to do that with me whenever I was trying to get away with something and she caught me.
Full-blown laughter rings out at my words until all three women have tears rolling down their faces. “The m-m-mom look,” Sage stammers out, only to break down in hysterics again. “That’s fucking priceless. Think I’ll tell Raptor to lose the ‘mom’ look the next time he glowers at me.”
“Yeah, let me know how that works for ya,” Ember teases, snickering. Glancing around, she says, “Okay, ladies, let’s carry on with our day, shall we?”
Within minutes, we have our table cleaned up and are heading to the next store, one that carries lingerie. I decide that I need to upgrade my wardrobe, although I suspect Banshee doesn’t particularly care one way or another.
* * *
I let my guard down. That’s the only explanation as to why I find myself currently tied up in the back of a non-descript van with Patrick driving while screaming at me. I’m trying not to listen to the cruel things he’s saying; instead I’m focusing on reaching my tactical knife, that’s in a small pouch by my feet. If I can just cut myself loose, I can get to my gun and shoot the bastard.
That’s my plan, which might be a bit muddled seeing as the asshole punched me in the temple and knocked me out. But Grampy was former military and he taught me everything he knew so I was able to take care of myself. As I feign still being unconscious, I continue working on the knots, which I’ve found are extremely simplistic in nature. With one hand now loose, I’m able to get my knife out and cut the rest of my bindings, despite the fact my head is throbbing incessantly.
“I see you moving back there, bitch!” Patrick seethes. “Stupid, good-for-nothing cunt.”
“Why are you doing this?” I ask, not bothering to hide the derision on my bruised and bloody face. “I don’t understand, Patrick. You nearly killed my cat and me over a few scratches, then you burned my home down. What did I ever do to you to deserve any of this?”
“Because you have something that belongs to me,” he retorts, taking a turn so sharp I fall over.
“No, I don’t,” I insist. “The farm belongs to me, the only thing of yours that was there were your clothes, for fuck’s sake.”
“Don’t curse, it’s unladylike,” he orders, causing me to scoff.
Grams tried to turn me into a lady, but I prefer comfort over style, and thanks to Grampy, I can hunt and shoot with the best of them. My new guilty pleasure of pretty, silky lingerie crosses my mind, but Patrick doesn’t know about that since the prospect took our bags out to the club’s SUV shortly after we left the food court area. Sure, I can take care of a house, cook, and bake as well, but the term ‘lady’ will never apply to me.
Unless you’re Banshee’s ol’ lady.That thought no sooner crosses my mind than Patrick pulls down a long, bumpy, unpaved road, causing me to bounce all over the place and add more bruises to my already battered body.
“Yeah, you lost the right to have an opinion on what I say or do the second you put your hands on my cat,” I grind out through my clenched teeth. There’s no way I’ll give him the satisfaction of knowing I’m in pain. I suspect he’d get off on it and my days of ensuring that happens are long gone.