Page 16 of Judge
“You’re from Idaho?” she asked between bites of soggy scrambled eggs.
He nodded.
“What part?”
“Just north of Coeur d’Alene.”
“Did you grow up there?” she asked.
He nodded, not giving anything away in his deadpan expression.
“I’ve heard it’s nice there,” she commented, eating another bite of her eggs.
“It is.”
“What did you do there?”
“Not much,” he said. “The usual part-time jobs as a teenager until I struck out on my own.”
“How’d you make a living?”
He lifted a shoulder. “Doing whatever it took.”
She cocked an eyebrow. “Like?”
“Mostly in the security business.”
“Is that where you attained skills with weapons?”
He met her gaze, a smile teasing the corners of his lips. “For an organization that wants to leave a person’s past behind them and only live in the present and future, you’re asking a lot of questions about my past.”
“Point taken. However, I need to know where to begin training you. Are you only skilled in certain weapons? Do you have any tactical training? Are you skilled with knives, archery or hand-to-hand combat?”
“All the above, except archery,” he said. “Though I used to shoot with bows and arrows when I was a teen, I’m very rusty.”
She nodded. “Good to know. And you appear to be in fairly good shape.”
He raised both eyebrows. “You noticed?”
“Hard not to notice when you’re up in someone’s business.”
He laughed.
All heads turned toward them.
PJ ducked her head. “Shh.”
“What?” Judge glanced around. “People don’t laugh around here?”
PJ shook her head, her lips twitching. She shoved a forkful of eggs into her mouth and chewed to keep from grinning. Her plate clean, she laid her fork in the middle and pushed back from the table. “Let’s get started. We have a lot to do before we can get to actual training.”
Judge gathered his tray and followed her to the kitchen. “Like what?”
“You’ll need clothing to train in,” she said.
“I have clothes in my truck,” he pointed out.
“Recruits have standard issue, like what I’m wearing, so we all look the same.” She glanced down at her black pants, black T-shirt and combat boots.