Page 53 of Judge
“Judge, you could stay at the White Oak Ranch with us for now,” Hank offered.
Judge shook his head. “It’s enough that you’re letting Brian stay.” He lifted his chin toward the young man. “I’ll sleep easier knowing he’s safe.”
Brian frowned. “I’d rather stay with you.”
Judge slipped his arm around the teen’s shoulder. “When this situation is under control, we’ll work on that. Until then, I need to know you’re safe. It frees me to work on bringing TCW down and getting your kids out.”
“But I can help. I’ve been given the same training as the older recruits. I know hand-to-hand combat, how to fire an AR-15, a 9 millimeter handgun and a shotgun. I fire expert,” Brian said.
“If you stay with me, I’ll be more worried about you getting hurt and might miss an opportunity to get to the leaders who run the show.” Judge shook his head. “I need you to stay safe and continue to recover.”
Hank touched a hand to the teen’s shoulder. “Judge needs to focus.”
“But I could have your back,” Brian said. “Didn’t I keep Tiberius from blowing up the lodge?”
“You did.” Judge hated saying no to Brian. “The answer is still no,” Judge said. “For now.”
Brian lifted his chin. “Very well.”
“Come on.” Chuck tipped his head toward his truck. “You and Hank are riding with me and Kate.”
The teen followed Chuck and Kate to his truck without looking back at Judge.
Hank hung back. “I’m worried about Brian.”
Judge nodded. “I’m afraid he’ll run. TCW treated him as a man, gave him responsibilities and expected him to live up to them. Here, I’m telling him he’ll be in the way. That has to rub. We just need to get TCW under control, and then I can spend time with him, maybe get him on a track to join the military where he can use those skills he learned with TCW.”
Hank nodded. “I’ll see what I can do to rein him in a bit. I admire his enthusiasm.”
“Yeah,” Judge sighed. “I just don’t want him caught in the crossfire.”
Hank nodded. “Maybe I can team him up with Swede and have him learn some computer skills.”
By the time Hank left with Chuck, the sun was setting over the mountaintops.
Judge entered the lodge. The rented tables and chairs had been folded and stacked to one side of the lobby. The buffet had been dismantled and moved to a storage room.
Grimm and Dezi emerged from the dining room, hand in hand.
“We’re beat and calling it a night,” Grimm said.
Dezi pointed her thumb over her shoulder. “There are a lot of leftover hamburgers and sides in the refrigerator if you’re hungry. I’d heat it up for you, but I’ve been on my feet since four-thirty this morning.”
“I’m not hungry,” Judge said. “But thanks. All I want is a beer, then I’m calling it a night.”
Grimm and Dezi continued across the lobby and disappeared down the hallway to Dezi’s suite.
Everyone else had dispersed, going to their own homes or rooms.
He found Molly and Parker seated at the table in the kitchen, eating leftover hamburgers and drinking beer.
“Grab a beer and some food and join us,” Parker invited.
“Thanks.” Judge opened the refrigerator where the beer was kept and grabbed a longneck bottle. As he turned back to the couple, he twisted off the cap and sighed. “I’d join you, but I think I’m going to call it a night. Do you want me to lock up?”
“No, we’ll do that,” Parker said. “You’ve had enough excitement for the day. Get some rest.”
Judge headed for his room on the second floor, entered without turning on the light and closed the door. The stars shone brightly, almost cheerfully, giving the room a soft, indigo glow.