Page 61 of Judge
Judge slid into her, then jumped off the back. “I’ve got left; go right!” he yelled.
He aimed at the rider on the left who’d spun around and was heading their way. He pulled the trigger. The bullet hit the headlight. The rider turned so sharply the bike flipped over, throwing the rider into the brush.
PJ yanked her handgun out of her jacket pocket, aimed and fired at the rider coming in from the right. When the shot had no effect, she fired again as the rider and bike continued straight for her. When he was less than ten yards out, PJ fired once more.
The rider flung his hands in the air and fell off the back of the bike.
The bike kept coming,
Judge grabbed PJ around the waist and yanked her off the ATV a second before the dirt bike hit, flipped over the top and landed with a crunch of metal two yards away.
Not knowing if the men who’d been thrown were still alive, Judge wasn’t taking any chances.
“Get on,” he said.
PJ vaulted onto the ATV and started the engine.
Judge leaped onto the back, and they took off through the woods.
PJ kept driving well into the night. Judge kept an eye on their rear, but no more lights followed them.
Eventually, PJ turned uphill, found an old mining trail and followed it to a rocky knoll with a view extending for miles.
She parked the four-wheeler under a tree and slumped forward, her body shaking.
Judge slid off the back and pulled her from the seat and into his arms. “Are you all right?”
She nodded, her forehead resting against his chest. “Driving a four-wheeler in the daytime is a lot different than at night. I couldn’t see very far ahead and never knew if the next ridge top was actually a cliff we might fall over.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned into him.
“You were amazing,” he said. “I could not have done better.”
They stood for a long time holding each other.
PJ finally pulled back and looked around, studying the mountains, valleys and the lights from a small town in the distance.
“I think that’s Eagle Rock,” he said.
She nodded. “We’ll need to move closer to it to get any cell phone service.”
Judge pulled his cell phone from his pocket and checked for any level of reception. “Yeah, we’ll have to get close to Eagle Rock to get a signal.”
“Preferably during daylight,” she said.
“For now, we should rest,” he said, drawing her into the shadows. He found a clear spot with a large boulder to lean against. Then he dropped to the ground, pulled her onto his lap and leaned back against the rock. “Close your eyes.”
“I can’t stop thinking,” she said.
“Then think with your eyes closed,” he urged. “Let your body relax, even if your mind is going ninety-to-nothing.”
She nestled against him. Some of the tension in her muscles eased.
“Better?” he whispered against her hair.
“Where do you want to spend our night together?” he asked.
“In a soft bed,” she said, her breath warm on his chest.