Page 65 of Judge
PJ fell into them and wrapped her arms around his middle. “I’m tired, hungry and I want to go home.”
“By the end of the day, we’ll fix all that.”
“Damn right, we will,” she said and held tight.
After a few minutes, Judge leaned back, tipped her chin up and smiled. “I’ve never met a woman like you.”
She laughed. “You’ve never met a woman who could boss you around and make you do more pushups than a body should ever endure?”
He shook his head. “No. A woman who risks her own life to help others. One who helps people get out of bad situations but stays behind to make things right with the world.”
“But I didn’t make things right,” she reminded him.
“You will. And the families that have been worried sick about their lost loved ones will be forever grateful for what you did.”
PJ frowned. “I don’t want their gratitude. I want their families reunited. I want to go home to my family, knowing the people who’ve been threatening them this whole time are either dead or behind bars.”
“Then let’s get it done, wrap it up and go home.” He bent to claim her lips in a kiss that rocked her to her very soul.
She clung to him. He was like the lifeline she’d needed before she’d been captured. Since she’d been with TCW, she’d learned she could stand on her own two feet and protect herself. She was worthy and strong. Never again would she put up with a man hitting her.
She knew in her heart that Judge would never hurt her. She also knew she didn’t need a man to rescue her; she could rescue herself. Any relationship she chose to be in would be because she wanted to love and be loved. She didn’t need a man’s acceptance to feel good about herself.
It felt nice that Judge admired her, even knowing she was an assassin. Maybe she wouldn’t have to be alone for the rest of her life.
As she climbed onto the ATV, she wondered if she was heading into a beginning or an end. Either way, she hoped Judge made it out alive, and Augustus didn’t.
Chapter 19
The closer they came to the meeting’s location, the more worried Judge became. The urge to protect PJ was so strong he feared he’d blow the whole gig by coming to her defense when he should be angry and feeling betrayed by the woman he'd thought loved him.
Before they even got close to the location, he tapped her shoulder.
She slowed to a stop and parked the ATV in the brush.
He removed his jacket, shoulder holster and his long-sleeved T-shirt.
PJ pulled her knife from the scabbard on her belt and cut off one of the long sleeves, handing the rest of the shirt back to Judge.
He pulled it on, left the shoulder holster on the four-wheeler and shrugged into his jacket.
He turned around and placed his wrists behind his back for her to tie them together with the T-shirt sleeve.
She tied it loosely.
Judge twisted his wrists around, making the binding appear tight. All he had to do was twist his wrists in the opposite direction, and he could easily pull free.
PJ placed his 9 millimeter pistol in the waistband of his jeans.
“Tighten my belt. I don’t want it to fall down my pant leg,” he said.
She unbuckled his belt and tightened it a couple of notches. With a grin, she cupped his package and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Just a little reminder of my one condition,” she said with a wink.
He drew a deep breath and willed his body not to react to the squeeze or her sexy wink. “This charade won’t work if I show up with a hard-on.”
“We have a bit of a hike to get to where we’re going,” she said. “That should help.” She pulled her handgun out of her pocket, released the magazine, checked that it was full and slid it back into the handle. After she tucked it into her jacket pocket, she performed the same check on her rifle.
Judge glanced at the angle of the sun as it inched lower in the sky.