Page 37 of The Last Ride
By the time she finished her routine, I was sweating bullets. Rising from my seat, I headed toward her office. To do what, I wasn’t sure. I shook with need. And I followed her through the door, trailing behind her into her office. The minx even shot me a glance over her shoulder, like she was double-checking I was still following.
The little witch!
If I didn’t know better, I’d say she planned this. And if she did plan it, I was going to figure out what her endgame was because she couldn’t possibly want me. Did she?
I slammed her office door with a furious thud that echoed in the room. Anger and lust competed for dominance as I glared, trying to keep my cool.
“What’s with eye fucking me while you were up on stage?” I snapped, unable to hold back. She was still in nothing but a thong. And fuck me, but she had the most gorgeous damn tits. They were large enough to fill my hand. The rouge nipples lewdly protruded, making my mouth water.
“Just putting on a show, darling.” Her voice glided over the endearment like a caress. And I felt it as if she had touched me and drawn her hand down my chest so I shivered.
“It was quite a show,” I grumbled. “One might think it was more than that.”
“Relax,” she purred, “It’s not like I promised to fuck you on stage. It was an act.”
“As if I’d fuck you.” But I would. Christ, I didn’t know what was wrong with me. Why she was getting me this worked up. And if she considered that an act, what was she like when she did want to fuck someone?
She chuckled, a rich, warm sound that pooled in my groin and made my cock twitch. Then she murmured, sweeter than a slice of pecan pie, “Honey, you couldn’t handle me.”
“Sweet cheeks, I’m a Navy fucking SEAL. I can handle anything you throw at me.” If she’d just put on some goddamn clothes, it would make this exchange far easier. But if she planned to stay naked, I’d have to power through and ignore the lust raging through my system.
She plunked her hands on her hips, totally unconcerned with her nudity. “Oh yeah? Prove it.”
“Excuse me?” I’d been bluffing, believing the ornery woman would cave. But she called me on my bluff.
“You think you can handle little old me, tough guy? Survive one lap dance with me. I bet I can break you and make you touch me before the dance is over.” She threw down the gauntlet.
“Deal.” I was fucked. I’d survived enemy fire, black ops missions the world would never know about, assassinated Al Queda and ISIS leaders. Until now, I’d never met an enemy I couldn’t defeat. But this woman, who I easily outweighed by over fifty pounds, was liable to take me down.
A seductive grin spread over her lush lips that were painted ruby red. In that moment, I wanted to wave the white flag of surrender. Because she had my number. And what was worse, she knew it.
But I was a glutton for punishment. I followed along like a dutiful soldier. One being led around by my dick. It was humbling, the power her presence had over me.
We left the relative safety of the room and headed to another where private lap dances took place. She held the door open for me. The room was little more than an eight-by-eight space, with a black leather chair dead center of the room. The walls were carpeted to mute the sounds coming from inside each room.
I spied a camera in the ceiling pointed directly at the chair. “Plan to watch us afterward?” I nodded toward the camera.
“I already asked that the camera be turned off in this room when I left the stage.” What the hell was the woman planning? She locked the door too, casting me a sidelong glance. “This way we won’t be interrupted.”
Well, maybe we should run the risk of being interrupted. She chin nodded toward the black leather chair with no armrests. “Take a seat.”
Never let it be said that I faltered when it mattered most. I sat, keeping my expression calm, acting as if I was unaffected.
When nothing could be further from the truth because I was affected.
She approached, her bare tits swaying. And it took everything inside me not to reach out and touch them. I ached to feel their weight in my palm. To taste her skin and suck on those stiff buds until she begged me to fuck her.
She grabbed my hands and moved them behind me to the rear metal chair legs. “You need to keep your hands here at all times while I dance. If you touch me, I win.”
I gritted my teeth and nodded, unable to speak. Not when everything inside me urged me to take charge of this situation.
Then she began to dance, never taking her eyes off mine. The way she moved left me entranced and sweating. We’d barely begun, and I gripped the chair legs like my life depended on it.
But then she straddled my thighs.
And fuck me, I wanted her. She was the most gorgeous woman I’d ever had the good fortune to see. Moira gyrated her hips on my lap in nothing but that tiny thong.
Keep it together, motherfucker.I could do this. I was a goddamn SEAL. We didn’t fucking quit. Ever.