Page 44 of The Last Ride
He pressed a kiss against my temple as I snuggled against his chest. I was asleep in seconds.
“Are you sure you’ll be all right while I’m gone?” I stood by the garage door with my helmet in my hands. I hated leaving her alone like this with the threat hanging over her head. But this breakfast Roman set up with the detective from the local sheriff’s office was important. It meant I was one step closer to leaving South Carolina and Moira behind. One step closer to rejoining my crew.
But the thought of leaving no longer held the same appeal it did twenty-four hours ago.
Moira rolled her eyes in exasperation from her seat at the kitchen table. “Ben, I’ve been taking care of myself for a long damn time. I’m positive I’ll survive two hours by myself.”
“What are you going to do while I’m gone?” I was being overbearing, so sue me. She’d get over it, and it would give me the illusion that she would be all right.
“If you must know, I’ve got laundry and grocery shopping to do. Fun times.”
I opened my mouth to argue, but the confounded woman cut me off.
“I appreciate the concern, Ben, truly, but I’m a big girl. I’ll be fine. If I run into any problems, I will call you, okay? So, go have breakfast with your friends, and I’ll be here when you get back.”
She was right. Two hours alone wouldn’t make a big difference. I checked my watch and winced at the time.
“Go. I know you want to meet your friends.”
If it was only Roman and the guys I was meeting, I’d blow them off in favor of enticing her back into bed. But this breakfast was for her. If I didn’t take this step, something could go seriously wrong with this stalker, and she could be hurt.
Or worse.
The guilt I felt at sleeping with Evan’s ex-girlfriend was nothing compared to what I would feel if she was hurt or killed because I couldn’t get my head out of my ass long enough. I’d never be able to live with it. This meeting was far too important to skip out on.
“Fine. Text me if you decide to stop anywhere else on the way home. This shouldn’t take me more than two hours.”
“Oh, good gravy, yes, Dad.” She cocked her head with a small grin. “Or should I call you Daddy?”
“Ha! Funny girl. You want to misbehave so I can discipline you and have you call me Daddy?” It wasn’t in my wheelhouse, but if it was what she wanted, I’d play along.
She snorted and put her coffee mug in the sink. “No. Daddy kink is not my thing.”
I moved in close, boxing her against the counter. “But you do have a kink.”
“Doesn’t everybody?” She lifted a dark brow.
“Moira,” I growled. I wanted to know what her kink was. Even though I knew it was dangerous territory we were entering. Territory that could make me toss out my good sense and skip the meeting.
She shoved me back. “We don’t have to have this discussion now. In fact, I’m leaving for the grocery store. Text me if there’s anything you want me to pick up for you. Lock up behind you.”
Then she grabbed her purse and raced out the garage door before I could stop her. I followed her out, locking the door with the spare key she’d given me. I rolled my Harley out of the garage only to watch her take off down the street.
The woman was going to give me an aneurysm.
After ensuring the house was secure, I headed off. It was a balmy seventy-eight degrees this morning with a light wind. The sun shone brightly with nary a cloud in the sky. The scent of honeysuckle and magnolias stirred along the breeze.
I saw the appeal of living here. The weather alone was incredible. The drive to the restaurant was short and sweet.
The Southern Line Café was situated next to a set of old railroad tracks. It had originally been a railroad stop. But over the years, it changed hands until its current owners transformed it from a museum no one ever visited to a bustling café with the proclamation that it was the best breakfast this side of the Mason-Dixon line.
I parked and headed inside. I had to admit the place had this rustic old farmhouse charm. Even if I could do without the gingham tablecloths. I spotted Roman, Liam, and Owen at the table with a guy in jeans, biker boots, and an eighties rock band on their shirt, his hair almost completely gray.
“Wondered if you were going to make it,” Roman mused as I took a seat on the empty chair.
“Sorry, had to make sure Moira got off to the store all right and the house was secure. Took longer than I would have liked.” I wasn’t going to mention that I’d spent not only last night but this morning in bed with Moira. It would only muddy the waters.