Page 62 of The Last Ride
“Good. Then maybe we can catch this creep. And keep this type of thing from happening in the future.”
Dan’s sedan roared into the parking lot with lights flashing. Not two car lengths behind him, a police cruiser followed. I rolled my eyes heavenward at the flashing lights. At least they didn’t have their sirens going. But so much for keeping this incident under wraps until I could talk to Moira alone.
Fuck. Fuck!
Dan emerged from his car, giving off an FBI vibe in his black suit and whistled at the slashed tires. “This perp really is a goddamn nuisance, isn’t he.”
“No doubt about that.”
“What time did you guys arrive tonight?” Dan asked, withdrawing a notepad and pen from his front breast pocket.
“Same time as usual, about three. Parking lot was almost empty when we arrived. And I didn’t see any signs of anyone lying in wait.”
“When did you notice the tires had been slashed?”
“When Owen and Liam arrived less than an hour ago. I called you straight away.”
“So that gives our perp five to six hours to accomplish this. But I’d bet my left nut they waited until after the sun set and used the cover of darkness to hide their act.” Dan shook his head and pegged Bruno with a hard glare. “I’m going to need the video surveillance footage from the last six hours.”
At the detective’s request, Bruno jerkily nodded. “Right away. I’ll head in and get you a copy on the double.”
Bruno practically raced away from them like his ass was on fire. “It’s the damndest thing, watching him run from you.”
“He did some time years ago,” Dan stated with a slight shrug.
“He what? And you’re just telling me now?” I turned my gaze in Bruno’s direction, but he’d already entered the club. If he was the stalker, so help me.
“Minor stuff, dealing pot. Served eighteen months. But I don’t think he’s our guy.”
“But you do think it’s one of her employees?” I understood what he wasn’t saying. There was a pattern emerging. The stalker was keeping it to Moira’s home and business. Which likely meant it was someone who could get close to her doing these things.
“Possibly. The video footage from the graffiti incident has a slice of time missing. There is a thirty-minute window that was deleted from the footage. In order to do something like that, they’d have to have access to the club’s security room.”
“Shit. It’s going to crush Moira. And I won’t say anything about it yet. She still believes it couldn’t possibly be someone she works with.” This was going to fucking shatter her.
“If you could, on the down low, find out if there are cameras monitoring the back door employee entrance. And if there are, I want a copy of the security feed for all the incidents. Think you can do that? And in the meantime, I’m going to subpoena footage from the traffic cams. See if they caught anything.”
“Yeah, I’ll check and get that to you. Moira will need to know about it, but that’s as far as we’ll let it go.”
“Perfect. We’re still waiting on the prints to come back from forensics.”
“You’ve got a print?” About fucking time this thing broke in their favor.
“Yeah, from a pair of gloves we discovered in the dumpster. And it’s half a print, which is why it’s taking so fucking long. But we have that half a print because of your keen eyesight. You’re the one who noticed the red paint splatters that led my officers to the dumpster. Ever give any thought to police work when you retire from the Navy? Unless you’re planning on being a lifer.”
“No, I’m retiring in two years once my twenty is up. Not that I know what I want to do after that.” Although I was starting to get a clearer picture of what I wanted.
“Well, give it some thought. I could use a partner. And I trust someone coming from a military background far more than someone walking in off the street.”
“I don’t know if I’ll be in the area.” Even though the prospect of detective work sounded appealing. I’d ace the physical shit easily enough. And I was a crack shot. Not that I wouldn’t have a lot to learn, but it certainly was an intriguing thought.
“But aren’t you and Moira an item?” he asked with a confused scowl.
“We are, but we’ve not decided on anything like that yet.”
“Huh.” He peered at me for a moment before shaking his head.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”