Page 64 of The Last Ride
“Because I care, Moira. And I know that scares you. I wasn’t looking for this when I came here, but I won’t run from it either. I care about you and want you safe.”
Moira’s gaze softened. She cupped my face, her delicate palms branding me. Then she brushed her lips against mine in an unspoken affirmation. God, this woman had me wrapped around her pinky and didn’t even know it.
“Knock, knock,” Dan said from the doorway.
I lifted my mouth and rose, a part of me grateful for the timely interruption. But I stood at her side, a hand on her shoulder, offering her support and whatever the hell else she might need. I’d go to war for this woman. I’d lay down my life if necessary.
“Sorry to interrupt, just wanted to let you know we’re finished getting what we need. I went ahead and contacted the tow company for you. They should be here shortly.”
“All right, I’ll go wait with the SUV for the truck to arrive.” I shot Moira a look. She was hanging on by a thread. Fine tremors rippled through her. “And if you wouldn’t mind driving us back to Moira’s house, I’d appreciate it.” The guys had driven their motorcycles tonight, otherwise I would ask them.
“What do I look like? A taxi?” But Dan glanced between us and finally nodded. “All right, fine. I can drive you home. Be ready to leave as soon as the tow truck leaves.”
“Good. We can do that.” Then I shifted my focus to Moira and murmured, “Get whatever you need to get done for the night while I’m out waiting for the tow truck. You can have Venus or whoever close the place down for you.”
She stubbornly sputtered, “But, Ben.”
“I wasn’t suggesting. You’re in no shape to deal with the club tonight. And we’re leaving as soon as your car has been dealt with. If I have to carry you out of here in front of all your customers and employees, I will, Moira. And you know I don’t make threats lightly. Just do as I ask for once.” I was done dancing around her pride. She was holding herself together by a thin thread. And I wanted her out of here before she crumbled. She didn’t like that I took charge of the situation. Well, that was too damn bad. She’d get over it. “I’ll walk you out, Dan.”
Dan nodded, but I spied relief. We knew she was in more danger here than at home. And we were going to stop by the surveillance room on our way out to meet the tow truck too. “Sure thing. Moira, I’ll be in touch.”
She wore a shell-shocked expression. From the moment I’d met her, I’d felt off kilter because of our mutual attraction. It walloped me. But I felt a resurgence of my old self because I was no longer hiding from my feelings. I accepted the truth, and it changed the dynamic.
Now we were going to find this motherfucker and end this, because no one messed with Moira on my watch. Hooyah.
What the hell had gotten into Ben?
He’d always been a dominating presence, but this was different. He acted like he did when he had first appeared on my doorstep a week and a half ago. Confident, assertive, and willing to plow over any objection I might have. I didn’t know whether I wanted to strangle him or kiss him. Because, headcase that I was, I found his dominance deeply sexy.
While Ben was out dealing with the car, I went searching for Venus. She was in the dressing room directing tonight’s show. There was always a flurry of activity with the girls getting ready for their acts. If I walked through the dressing room and didn’t get any glitter on me, it would be a wonder.
I pulled Venus aside. “Hey, I’m taking off for the night. Can you make sure everything gets shut down and locked up tonight?”
“Yeah. Everything all right?” Venus had a micromini sheath dress on tonight since she wasn’t dancing.
“More stalker drama but nothing you need to concern yourself with.” At her concerned frown, I said, “I’ll be fine. Hell, I’m sleeping with a Navy SEAL.”
“Well, there is that. And I’ve got half a mind to give that Roman dude a try.” Venus wiggled her brows suggestively.
“Be careful there, I’m warning you. Once you try a Navy SEAL, they tend to ruin you for mere mortal men with their stamina.”
“Ooo, girl, is that a fact?”
“It is. Ben’s completely ruined me for other guys.” And he cared about me. Even if his admission had come out of left field. Nor had he pressed me about my feelings.
Venus put a hand over her heart. “Well then, I might have to do something about that sexy beast of a man. Because he’s too fine for words and is making me want to do very bad things with him.”
“Yeah, they have that kind of presence. Just be careful. But if you do, I want to hear all about it. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
She waved me off. “Go on now. I got this.”
“You know, once this stalker nonsense is taken care of, we’re going to sit down and discuss my giving you a raise.” She was worth her weight in gold, and I think a promotion was in order.
“You won’t hear an argument from me.” Venus grinned, then headed over to help Cherry fix her hair.
Satisfied that the club was covered tonight and would soldier on without me, I headed back to my office. In my office, I shut down my computer and closed everything down. I got my purse out of the drawer and was preparing to head out when I spied the trash.