Page 67 of The Last Ride
“How is it my fault?”
“You said you care about me.” I’d never felt as vulnerable as I did in this moment. I bit my bottom lip to keep it from trembling.
“Of course I care about you. I know we got off to a rocky start, but why would you think otherwise?”
“Because no one ever really has, not even Evan. I’ve been an island my whole life, Ben. I’ve had to manage on my own for so long that I’m not used to anyone caring and meaning it.”
His gaze softened. And for such a hard man, seeing the tension in him drain out and be replaced with enough heat to incinerate us both was enough to make me doubt the course of action laid out before me.
Just one more night, my heart whispered. Then I would do the right thing, the only thing I could, to safeguard his existence.
Ben lowered his forehead to mine, his gaze trained on my face. “Don’t you get it yet, woman? You’re not alone in this fight. I’ve got your back.”
The truth lay naked in his eyes. And before he could say any more that would damn us both, I kissed him. I infused everything this man made me feel into my kiss.
His rough male groan was my reward. He pressed his full length against me, crowding me against the counter. No matter what happened next, I would remember him, and this, for the rest of my life. If we were different people, if our lives were more in sync, I’d offer him my very soul to keep.
And that hope of a lifetime with him played out in my mind. I could see it, the way it could be. The children I would give him. The days out on the water with Tater and the kids. The two of us through the years, building a life and growing old together.
But none of that was in the cards for us.
The only surety was this, now, tonight. His hands coasted up my arms and shoulders until he cupped my face, directing the kiss until I surrendered to his touch. He was the only man who made me want to surrender, who made me want to cede my control and submit.
The irony was not lost on me that it had taken my ex’s machinations to put this entire thing into play. Evan must be laughing with the devil right about now—the asshole.
Lifting my mouth, I murmured, “Take me to bed.”
“We’ll get there eventually. But I’m a bit hungry.”
“I can make you some food—” He put a finger over my mouth.
“I didn’t say I was hungry for food.” He nipped my bottom lip, then planted kisses along my jaw and neck.
My eyes crossed from the pleasure, and I gripped his shirt, needing to hang on and steady myself. I was supposed to be the one seducing him. But he was making it difficult when he—oh god, that felt amazing.
He pressed kisses along my collarbone while he lowered the zipper on my dress. His hands drew the material of my dress off my shoulders. The material slackened as he exposed my bare chest.
Ben lowered the dress until it bunched at my hips. His dark groan was music to my ears. “You’re so goddamn sexy you make me ache.” And then his hungry mouth captured a bud, sucking my sensitive flesh into his mouth.
He shoved the dress over my hips until it slithered down my legs to pool at my feet.
Ben lifted his head, releasing my breast. I shivered at the carnal look in his gaze as he studied me in my heels, thong, and nothing else. I was proud of my body. But he was the first man to ever make me feel beautiful. It was a heady, addictive thing, and it made me feel weak that for even a moment I considered wavering from my course. Nor was it lost on me that I was almost completely nude while he was still in a shirt and jeans with his shitkicker boots.
My hands went to the hem of his shirt, but he caught them. I scowled at being denied. “I need you naked.”
“All in good time. But not yet. I told you I’m hungry. And looking at you now I realize that I’m fucking famished.” His hands went to my waist. “Put your hands on my shoulders, babe.”
I complied without a thought before I could think better of it. He lifted me and deposited me on the counter. He pushed my torso back until I was supine. His eyes lit with dark need. He picked up the bottle of chardonnay and removed the cork with his teeth.
“You’re not really going to—” I gasped as cool liquid hit my heated skin and trailed over my breasts.
“I told you I’m hungry. And I have every intention of feasting.” He wedged his hips firmly between my thighs and leaned over me.
Using his tongue, he lapped at every drop of wine on my torso until I was a writhing, aching mess. He poured wine into my belly button and kissed every square inch of my abdomen. When he reached the edge of my lacey thong, he dipped his tongue beneath the lace.
Then with his gaze trained on my face, he gripped the flimsy material and ripped it off with a hard yank.
“Hmm, now that’s more like it.” He lifted the bottle. A stream of golden wine poured onto my pussy. I gasped at the cold liquid, quivering with need as he set the bottle back on the counter. My breath caught in my lungs at his rakish grin. Ben lowered his mouth to my sex. At the first swipe of his tongue over my slit, my back bowed at the intensity of his hot mouth on me.