Page 69 of The Last Ride
“I’m not done with you yet,” he murmured against my neck.
“Me either,” I admitted, because tonight I wanted everything he could give me. I wanted it all to sustain me on the lonely nights to come.
“Hold on. Because next time, we’re doing this in bed.” He shifted, and that’s when I realized he was still hard inside me.
“Oh god. How does this keep happening?” I breathed as bliss swept over me.
“I don’t know. All I know is my dick fucking adores your goddamn pussy.”
My pussy clenched around him, loving him back. “The feeling is mutual.”
“Hold on to me, honey,” Ben said and began the slow climb up the stairs.
By the time we reached the top, we were both breathing heavily. And then I had no more thoughts as he carried me into the bedroom, where we spent the remainder of the night in a tangle of limbs.
Resting against the headboard, I wasn’t ready to get out of bed. Last night changed everything for me. I was going to ask Roman to call Admiral Johnson so I could take the job at the Joint Base Charleston. There was nothing left for me in Little Creek, Virginia. And here was the promise of more. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand to text Roman. I’d wait to tell Moira until the transfer was a done deal. But I could feel her out a bit, see how she would feel about it.
“I can’t do this,” Moira said, her voice sounding off.
I glanced up as she walked back into the bedroom, fully dressed in jeans and a tank top the color of peonies. “If you don’t want to spend the day in bed, that’s fine. We can figure out something else. Or I’ll just seduce you again until you see my side of things.”
“No, you misunderstand me. I mean this.” She gestured between us.
The first fingers of dread slithered along my spine. She couldn’t be serious. I was sitting here, ready to change my entire world for her. I scowled. “What are you talking about, you can’t do this? Are you honestly telling me that you’re done with me?”
She tilted her head with disdainful amusement on her face. “Ben, it’s been fun. But it’s over. I did as Evan asked and read the letter. There was something inside my letter for you.” She held up an envelope with my name on it.
I felt like I had whiplash. I’d considered changing everything in my life for her. And now she was saying it was over. “Color me confused. But this entire week, you were fully on board with our relationship. And now suddenly you’re not? What the fuck is going on, Moira?”
She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “It’s been fun, I’ll give you that. You’re one hell of a lay, sailor. But I think we both know there’s no future here. I know you want to meet up with Lucas, Wyatt, and the others. You have enough time now to catch them in Maine or wherever else you guys are headed.”
Slipping out of bed, I approached her, and she took a step back in retreat. “If you think I’m leaving you—”
“You don’t have the option. You can’t stay here any longer.”
I jerked like she’d struck me. She really was cutting this off. “Was this just some power trip for you, then? A way to fuck with me and get back at Evan?”
Moira sighed. “Ben, I thought we both knew the score and were just enjoying each other. You didn’t really think we had a future, did you? What kind of future do a Navy SEAL and a stripper have? We don’t, at least, nothing long term.”
“This is bullshit.” I grabbed my pants, replaying last night. Trying to figure out why she had done a complete one-eighty.
“You can call it whatever you would like. The point is, I’m late. And I need you to leave my house.”
“For?” What could she have possibly scheduled today? On our way to the club last night, I asked her if she had anything planned for today. She’d had nothing on her schedule.
“I have a date, silly. Granted they’re no SEAL, but I’ve been working out with this guy for months and finally said yes.”
“What the hell is going on, Moira?” When the hell did she have time to set up a date? I’ve been with her the whole time since we got back from the club last night. Did she wake up in the middle of the night and do it? I’m a light sleeper. I would have heard her.
“Nothing is going on. It’s just time for you to move on, is all,” she replied, like I was short a few brain cells. And like the past week had meant nothing to her. When it had meant the world to me.
“You don’t mean that.” My brain felt scrambled. I was trying to decode what she was saying and where this was coming from, but I was coming up empty.
“I do mean it. You think you know me, but you don’t. And it’s time for you to go.”
I shoved my legs into my jeans and snarled, “What the fuck brought this on? Because if you think I’m leaving while there’s a stalker after you, you’re a few beers shy of a six-pack. I’m not leaving.”