Page 16 of Midnight Rapture
He took a seat at his desk. His first order of business was checking the delivery for today. And while he’d ordered everything last night, money greased a lot of wheels. It was why it would all be delivered by three today.
Freya would be surprised at the number of things he’d ordered. He’d gotten Maddie a bed, changing table, highchair, stroller, and a new car seat that didn’t look as if it had been dragged through the mud and left out under the sun for six months. He’d also ordered diapers, wipes, lotion, soap, clothes, and toys.
He figured he would show Maddie all the stuff, and Freya wouldn’t make a fuss. At least not much of one.
Then he checked his email. Freya’s hair and nail appointments were confirmed. And Sage from the club would meet them at one in Bloomingdale’s women’s section to outfit Freya.
They would need to get her more clothes than they could score tomorrow. But it would be a start. Although he predicted she would fight him tooth and nail with every purchase. He’d noticed her eyes widen when he mentioned what she would need for appearances.
Jasper would bet his left nut she’d never owned anything designer.
There was also an email from his cousin to call him immediately. He sighed. He knew Josh was going to be difficult. Although he wasn’t really his blood cousin. It was more they had cousins in common with each other. They simply called each other cousin because it was easier.
Picking up his landline, he dialed Josh’s number.
“Josh Ryan,” he answered. His voice carried a thick Irish lilt.
“It cracks me up how professional you sound answering your phone. If only people knew that you like whipping a sub’s ass until it’s red.”
“Hey pot, kettle calling. Best not to cast stones, cousin,” Josh admonished him.
“I see you received my email.”
“Aye. What the bloody hell? Are you out of your bleeding mind? Have you talked to your brother about this?”
And this was why the fewer people in the family who knew about his relationship and the agreement between him and Freya, the better. He didn’t need nor want them censoring his choices. “I’m marrying Freya whether or not you approve. It would be better if you did, but I don’t care what you think because I’m doing it. Furthermore, if you won’t draw up the contract, I’ll find another attorney who will. Because this wedding is taking place this week with or without your blessing. Since I’m paying you and already sent you the fee, you’re under strict attorney-client privilege to keep a lid on this deal. That lid extends to the entire family.”
“Fucker. I don’t enjoy being put in this position.”
“Well then, you should have found a different line of work. You don’t have to agree with my choices, Josh, but I ask that you respect them.”
“Shite. I just hope like hell you know what you’re doing.” Josh sighed.
So did he. “I do. If you can have the contract drawn up by tomorrow, we can stop by at, say, four and get it all signed.”
“I’m charging you a rush fee for this, you bloody wanker.”
“Love you too, dude.” Jasper chuckled. “Send me the bill for the rush fee. Also, about those passports.”
“Those will take longer. Get me all her and her daughter’s pertinent information. When you’re here tomorrow, I’ll get their pictures taken for their passports. We’ll want to wait until we have the marriage license this week as well to send into the passport office with their applications. But I’ll work to expedite the process as quick as possible.”
“Okay. Whatever we need to do to figure that out. I’d like to take them to Scotland at the first opportunity.”
“Noted. I still think you’re a dumbass who will live to regret this.”
“That’s your opinion. And I can’t wait to be the one laughing my fucking ass off when it’s your turn.”
“Now, why do you feel the need to curse me like that? Because I’m having too much fun with all these American women. They hear my Irish accent and drop their panties. Variety is the spice of life, and I have no intention of settling down soon.”
“I hadn’t either, and look where we’re at. I’ve got another call I need to take.”
“Email me her and her daughter’s information. I need socials to get the paperwork started. I’m assuming you want to use your home address for the passports.”
“Yes, that would be best.” Because there was no way they could use the Village Motel.
“All right. Talk later.” Josh hung up.
Jasper spent the next few hours working remotely. Most of his stuff was handled by the people he’d put in charge, but he still enjoyed being hands-on. With his wealth, he didn’t have to work if he didn’t want to. But he preferred being useful. It was why he worked with his cousin Dean as a brewmaster, making some of the best whiskey on the planet. But that was more of a hobby for him than an actual job. It was something he enjoyed doing.