Page 20 of Midnight Rapture
But his rough male groan alleviated any doubts. He palmed her face between his hands, directing the kiss. It began rather tame. But in seconds, Jasper tilted her head back and plundered her mouth.
She dug her nails into his chest as the world around her dissolved until Jasper comprised her universe. There were no thoughts of potentially going to prison for false statements. There was no second-guessing her decision to marry a man she barely knew. There was nothing but pleasure-infused bursts of sensation radiating from their joined mouths to the rest of her body.
Jasper kissed her like she was the most desirable woman on the planet. Like he had been waiting for her his entire life and planned to swallow her whole.
It was the most erotically charged kiss of her entire existence. Passion exploded between them. Liquid fire poured into her veins. Her body pulsed as desire enveloped her being. How had she lived without passion like this?
Freya craved him. She knew sleeping with him wouldn’t be smart. It would erase the walls she needed to keep erected between them.
But god, she wanted him. She yearned to toss caution to the wind and give herself this experience.
Except, what if she slept with him and he dumped her before they were legally man and wife? What if this was all some sick, twisted game? What if it made it awkward and the two of them miserable for the next year?
As much as she hated herself for ending the kiss, she ripped her mouth away and retreated a few steps, needing the space to collect herself. She panted, as she stared at him.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Then stay out of this room. The next time I find you here, I’ll assume you want me to tie you to the bench and fuck you until you can’t walk.”
His words doused her body with incendiary heat. “Sorry, I was curious and exploring.”
“I don’t mind your curiosity. But stop lying to yourself. Because this room intrigues you as much as I do. I know you want me. Your mouth might tell me no, but your body is telling me a different story. And you need to understand that I’m a Dominant. That means with sex, I demand full authority and dominion over your body. If I find you in here again, I will strap you to the bench, paddle your ass, and then fuck you until you scream my name as you come on my cock.”
The scenario he painted had her ovaries salivating and ready to roll out the welcome mat. The little bastards were going to get her into trouble. “Oh, I-I-I—”
“Mama.” Maddie’s weepy voice sounded through the baby monitor clipped to her waistband. Her daughter cried in earnest, which meant she likely had a wet or poopy diaper.
“I need to…go.” Freya spun on her heel before he could stop her. His eyes bored holes in her back as she exited the room, feeling as if the hounds of hell nipped at her heels.
That was close. She’d been seconds from saying to hell with it and launching herself at him.
She had to think about Maddie. She was what mattered in this equation. She was the reason she made this deal. She wouldn’t mess it up because she was horny. No, Maddie needed her to be smart and put her happiness first.
Freya didn’t breathe a sigh of relief until she was back in the bedroom, lifting her daughter from the playpen.
“Mama,” Maddie whimpered as she cuddled her against her chest.
“I know, baby, waking up is no fun sometimes.” She held her and swayed with her until her cries subsided. All the while thinking if her daughter hadn’t interrupted them, she’d be tied to the bench right now. Because everything he’d said about tying her up had resonated deep in her core.
She didn’t know what to do about her attraction to him. It was more than inconvenient. It would cause her nothing but heartache. She’d had enough of that to last multiple lifetimes.
But the truth stuck in her throat like barbed wire.
Because she wanted him. That desire was mutual. And if he did the rest of the sexy stuff like he kissed, he’d deliver on his promise in spades.
“Peasents, Mama.”
She sighed. “In a minute, baby, let’s get you changed into some dry pants.”
The doorbell sounded. She instantly tensed, but did her best to breathe through the anxiety. Jasper hadn’t called the cops. He’d ordered stuff for her kid.
Freya changed Maddie. It wound up being an entire clothing change as well because she hadn’t simply peed. She’d pooped as well, and some of the crud had crawled up her back. After a quick rinse in the bathroom sink and a full outfit change, they headed downstairs to chaos.
There were four guys moving boxes of stuff into the house. She was talking truck dollies packed with multiple boxes. And she heard more men upstairs in one of the bedrooms, moving furniture around.
What in the world?
Maddie was past her upset and delighted at the men bringing box after box into the cabin. Jasper stood amidst the frenzy, directing the men, rather stalwart, like nothing and no one got to him.