Page 35 of Midnight Rapture
Dean leaned against the padded bench. “We’re here because we’re concerned.”
“You’re giving the woman fifty mil to marry you for a year. That’s a huge red flag,” Jase stated, looking at him like he’d lost his mind.
Maybe he had. But Freya and Maddie had breathed life back into his world. He felt a sense of purpose and direction he’d not had in years. Fifty million wasn’t enough. “I’m the one who offered her money to marry me. Not that it’s any of your business what I do with my money or my life. I don’t need any of your approval to get married.”
“But we can step in when you’re being a fucking idiot,” Colin argued with a furious scowl.
“Again, none of your business, cousin. If I want to marry a call girl, I can. If I want to give all my money away to charity, I can. And there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“There’s someone else who’d like to have a word,” Dean said, holding up his phone.
“Are you out of your bloody mind, brother?” Xavier’s voice blared through the phone.
“Oh, bollocks. Did you have to bring him into this too?” Jasper pinched the bridge of his nose. They’d really gone all out with the inquisition.
“Answer the question, Jasper.” Xavier snarled.
“Piss off.” Rage filled him to the point his hands shook with the need to tear a body limb from limb.
“I think if you tell us how you met her and why you’re marrying her, it might alleviate some of our concerns,” Gabe stated. Always the peacemaker, that one.
Jasper rolled his eyes and inhaled a deep, steadying breath. “Fine.” He then relayed the whole story. He left out a few details, but they didn’t need to know his fascination with his future bride.
“That’s it? You want to marry her to get Mum off your back?” Xavier scolded, as if he was still a child.
“Let me at least investigate her,” Asher interjected. “You mentioned her ex was after them. Get me a name and I can research it, see what comes up.”
“Jasper, if nothing else, let him do it,” Xavier begged through the phone receiver.
“Oh, that’s rich coming from you, when you did the same damn thing when you married Emma. So don’t act all high and mighty with me, brother.”
“Emma was a club member already and was vetted. Freya isn’t. Don’t be an idiot. For all you know, she could be running a con,” Gabe said, attempting a compromise.
Jasper doubted she was running a con. But she was running from her ex. That much was obvious. Yet they had a point. If he could get Asher Ian’s information, then he would know who the guy was and could properly defend them.
“Fine, I’ll get you his name.” She hadn’t been forthcoming with the last name. But he had a tactic he could use to get her to speak. “But that’s it. You’re all going to back off. I’m marrying Freya Friday morning before Judge Cartright. If any of you fuckers try to stop me, we’ll have a big problem. And you will be the souls of discretion. If any of this conversation gets back to Freya in any way, shape, or form, and if you’re not welcoming, then you’re going to want me out of the country because I will come for you.”
“Holy shit! You like her,” Dean said, his mouth agape.
“What are you talking about?”
“Fuck. Why didn’t I see it before? Denial is the first stage,” Gabe murmured, rubbing his beard.
“The first stage of what?” He scowled at his cousins like they had lost their bleeding minds.
“Love, brother. They’re talking about falling in love with the woman who’s meant for you,” Xavier explained.
Jasper scoffed, “That’s preposterous. I can’t fall in love. Never have and am not likely to start now.”
“It only takes one woman to change all of that.” Asher studied him with a shit-eating grin.
“Have you slept with her already?” Colin asked.
“He’d be even more volatile and defensive if he had. But they’ve done stuff. I doubt he’s sealed the deal, though.” Dean commented.
“We’re not trying to gang up on you,” Gabe said.
Jasper snorted. “Bullshit, cousin. That’s exactly what you’re doing. And you’re all out of line. What happens between Freya and me is my business.”