Page 45 of Midnight Rapture
Jasper’s eyes lit, burning with heat that had her blushing as he reeled her in, still holding Maddie in his right arm. He leaned down and sealed his lips over her mouth.
Her head spun as he kissed her. He kept it brief for their audience, but when he lifted his head, there was a promise in his eyes that there was more to follow when they arrived home that night. Strange how she already considered the cabin home after a few days.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my privilege to introduce to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell.”
Everyone clapped, including Maddie, who thought what they were doing was oodles of fun. And she smiled, even though she questioned her sanity over what she’d done. She’d married a man she barely knew to save her from another man who would kill her if he found her.
Had she damned them both?
But she didn’t have long to ponder the question. They signed the marriage certificate. And for the first time, she signed her name Freya Campbell. She prayed her false identity would be missed by their system. If it wasn’t, she’d have to figure out another avenue and come clean with Jasper.
They were ushered out of the judge’s office, her head still reeling because she was married to Jasper.
“We’ve got a small lunch set up for you guys back at our penthouse,” Gabe offered. “To welcome Freya into the family.”
Jasper clapped him on the shoulder. “That’s kind of you. We’d be delighted, but we can’t stay long.”
“It’s just a small reception. A few of Gabe’s brothers and their wives,” Sophia explained, threading her arm through her husband’s as they headed toward the building exit.
Why did she feel as if she’d just been tossed into the fire?
Jasper watched his wife interact with his cousins and their wives. She was a natural with them. Smiling and talking with women especially, but then his cousins’ wives were all baby crazy. And everyone simply adored Maddie. His cousins kept trying to get her to go to them. And his stepdaughter would shake her head and run back to his side.
They were married. His head spun over that tidbit. She was his wife. Legally. And it felt right.
God only knew why. They hardly knew one another. What he knew could fill a thimble. But after last night, he was eager to explore her depths, to push her boundaries.
And he already wondered if, when the year was up and the terms of the contract were met, they would want to go their separate ways.
Time would tell.
But he’d have to call his mum soon and inform her of the wedding. That was a conversation he wasn’t looking forward to. But it would keep for now.
Gabe came over and stood beside him. “You really went through with it.”
“I told you I would. Why are you so surprised by it?”
Gabe studied him. “You’ve been searching for something. It’s why you left Scotland and came here. It’s why you’ve spent most of your weekends at the club these past few years.”
“And what have I been looking for?” He loved his cousin, but the man liked to meddle in the lives of his family. He certainly took his responsibility as the oldest to heart.
“What we all want. Someone to love. And when you find that person, you hang on to them for all you’re worth.” Gabe’s gaze landed on Sophia holding their little boy.
“When did you get so sentimental?” He snorted. Before Sophia, Gabe had been the king of The Eros Pit, with submissives all but flinging themselves at him. And now he was a solid family man.
“When I married Sophia and again when I held Matthew in my arms for the first time. Love’s the most powerful emotion on the planet. It’s what we’re all seeking.”
It was the same song and dance he’d heard his entire existence. Not that it made a bit of difference for him. “And what about those of us who can’t fall in love?”
Gabe scowled and scoffed. “Stop telling yourself that. Because you’re more than capable of falling in love. All it means is you haven’t met the right woman. Perhaps you need to examine the real reason behind why you married Freya.”
“I wanted her. And she needed the protection my name offers her. Simple.” He shrugged because that’s exactly what he’d done.
Gabe laughed and shook his head. “You’re going to drag your feet kicking and screaming the whole way down, aren’t you? Can’t say I’m surprised. You’re the most stubborn out of all of us. I only hope you wise up before you hurt them. And keep in mind, it won’t just be Freya you will hurt with your indifference, but Maddie too. You’re her stepfather now. When she was intimidated by the crowd at the office, she reached for you.”
He knew that. “She’s easy to love.”
“And you don’t think you are?” Gabe asked.