Page 66 of Midnight Rapture
Jasper kissed her shoulder before he withdrew, then removed the bullet before finally undoing her restraints.
And then he lifted her up into his arms. She raised her heavy lids.
“Rest, lass, I’ve got you.”
At his tender command, she snuggled against his firm chest, giving in and letting him take care of her.
He deposited her in their bed and drew the covers up to her chin. “Sleep, lass.”
“Don’t leave me.” She gripped his hand before he could back away.
“I’m not. Just need to run into the bathroom for a minute. I’ll be right back.”
“Yes, my good lass, I promise. Close your eyes, and I will join you in a moment.”
Freya shut her eyes at his command. She was half-asleep when he climbed into bed beside her. The mattress shifted under his heavier weight, and he drew her into his arms, settling her head against his shoulder.
Safe with his arm around her, she was out like a light.
By the middle of the following week, Jasper had settled into his new role as husband and stepfather. He was completely gone over on his stepdaughter, not that it was hard to do. Even when she was being difficult and having a tantrum, which he had finally experienced firsthand, making him believe Freya was a saint. No, seriously. Because Maddie had gone from a sweet, cheerful girl into a demon spawn from a hell dimension in two point five seconds.
He'd half expected pea-green vomit to spew from her mouth and her head to do a full three-sixty rotation.
And as for his wife, well, his lass had proven him wrong. All this time, he believed to his core that he was a man who couldn’t fall in love. When the truth was he’d simply been waiting for the right woman to come along. He’d been waiting for her.
Because he was thoroughly and irrevocably in love with Freya.
Although he wasn’t ready to admit his feelings yet, because then she would know how much power she held over him.
They’d had two more sessions in the dungeon downstairs since that first time, and she was a natural submissive. Open, giving, passionate. In all his days, he never imagined such contentment and happiness inundating his being.
The more time they spent together, the more he realized that he’d been waiting for her to come into his life. That’s why it had never worked with anyone else. It’s why he’d never been in love before Freya.
Because they weren’t her.
And he was intent on showering her with care and devotion until she trusted him completely. She wasn’t quite there yet. But given what she experienced at her ex’s hands, it was no wonder. She’d stopped flinching around him entirely, so they were making progress.
He couldn’t go a day without having her, without feeling the taut clasp of her pussy squeezing him. He wanted a real honeymoon with her. He figured he would give it six months, let her trust him fully. They could have his mum watch Maddie for a week or two. And then he’d take Freya on a European tour. Perhaps start in the South of France, drinking wine and eating cheese while making love morning, noon, and night.
It didn’t matter where they went. She could pick somewhere tropical, like the over water bungalows in Tahiti.
It was the middle of the day, and he was about to go search for Freya. He wanted to see if Maddie had gone down for her nap yet. Because they had developed a pattern where anytime Maddie was sleeping, they had sex. It didn’t matter if it was in the middle of the day. They carved out the time. Nighttime was no different. The moment Maddie was in bed sleeping, he was on Freya, and she was just as hot for him. Their scorching passion was mutual.
His phone rang. He glared at the name that popped up on the screen. Jasper was still livid over Josh’s handling of his relationship with Freya and the family. He couldn’t believe he had their family stage an intervention to stop the wedding.
A lot of good it did. In two days, they’ll be celebrating their two-week anniversary. He already had a gift delivered to the house for her.
“What,” he answered, rather pissy that his time with Freya was being interrupted.
“Well, hello to you too.”
“If we weren’t related, I would have filed a bar complaint over that stunt you pulled, so don’t act like this is a surprise.”
“I’m not sorry for doing it. And that’s why I’m calling.”