Page 13 of The Wedding Gift
She watched in the mirror as three heads shook back and forth.
Sarah took a step back. “If there was aHow to Pass Tests Book for Brides, the last chapter, just before the part about walking slow down the aisle, would deal with this kind of thing.”
Marilyn hugged Darla. “If there was such a book, it would definitely deal with all the emotions you are feeling right now, and it would tell you to never tell anyone, especially not the love of your life.”
Darla turned away from the mirror. “Do you think he’s had doubts?”
“Of course he has,” Roxie answered. “It’s not the doubts that matter. It’s whether you let them lead you down the path of destruction and unhappiness, or you listen to your heart and common sense, and someday have a sixtieth anniversary party.”
“Do you still love Andy?” Sarah asked.
Darla shrugged. “He’s a bastard, but there will always be a special place in my heart for him. He was my first love.”
“Are youinlove with Andy?” Marilyn asked.
“What’s the difference between loving and being in love?” Darla asked.
“Simply put, it’s like this,” Roxie said. “Love is pretty much just lust.In lovegoes deeper and has lust attached to it, but it also has companionship and caring about each other that goes over and above that fifteen minutes in the bedroom.”
“Good Lord, Granny, make it half an hour anyway!” Marilyn laughed.
“I’m notin lovewith Andy. I’min lovewith Will.” Darla giggled with her sister.
“Then you have your answer right there,” Sarah said.
Darla picked up her veil and handed it to Marilyn. “But not about the honesty stuff.”
“You just said you are in love with Will,” Roxie said. “Would you break his heart or cause him to worry anytime you got a phone call?”
Marilyn adjusted the veil and then turned Darla back around to face the mirror. “Of course you wouldn’t. Are you going to tell him what us girls talk about on our sisters’ nights out once a month? Think before you answer. You’ve heard me and Sarah bitch about husbands lots of times. When we grumble about Derrick or Bryan squeezing the toothpaste from the middle of the tube or not putting toilet paper on the roll the right way, are you going to go home and tell Will what we said?”
“Of course not,” Darla answered. “Oh, now I understand.”
“Does that finally bring a little peace to your troubled heart?” Roxie asked.
“Yes, ma’am, it surely does.” Darla grinned. “Little secrets are okay. Big ones, not so much.”
Alison and an older lady with a tape measure hanging around her neck knocked and then came into the room without waiting. “Okay, ladies, let’s get these measurements done for the final fitting.”
“Thank you all,” Darla told Roxie and her sisters. “Knowing that I’m not the only one who’s been through this is a big help.”
“Wedding jitters?” Alison asked.
“The bridal test,” Roxie answered.
“Getting through that is an emotional upheaval. Did you pass it?” Alison asked.
“I hope so,” Darla answered.
Chapter 5
Wedding showers were a big social event in Tishomingo, Oklahoma. Invitations went out a month before the date with the registry sites right there at the bottom in script lettering, but folks seldom paid a bit of attention to those. Violet always took a little recipe box full of alphabetized cards with her favorite foods. She even put stars at the top of the cards to show how easy they were to make—one star meant super simple; five meant you had better be prepared to work all afternoon to get it finished.
Molly would bring a crocheted afghan in the wedding colors. That the new couple had decorated their apartment or house in something altogether different didn’t matter. Gussie always gave the new bride and groom cast-iron skillets. Then there would be those who wrapped up a piece offancy crystal—most likely regifting it from anniversary parties of their own.
“You ready for this?” Darla whispered to Will as they made their way up the steps that led into the fellowship hall.
“Yes, I am.” He stopped at the landing and drew her into his arms. “But I’m more ready for next Saturday and the week after that when we get to spend a whole week together in the Colorado mountains. I’m sorry that our cruise got canceled.”