Page 16 of Illicit Education
“He looks every bit the part,” she continued, “a beautiful, devastating man about to inherit his father’s kingdom.”
I groaned and leaned back in my chair. “What have I done?”
“You’ll be fine,” Marcus said, though I doubted even he believed his encouraging words.
“The knowledge I gained while shadowing Blanca was priceless, but…” Hector paused until I looked up at him. “Spending any time at all with the heir to the throne?” He shuddered. “I don’t envy you, new girl. I nearly didn’t even accept the editorial gig when Blanca offered it to me because I’d occasionally have to interact with Reed.” Hector motioned toward the others at the table. “If I hadn’t found this crew, I would have run as fast as I could away from that place and that stuck up suit.”
Jeez, was Cabot Reed that bad? Really? He’d seemed cold and standoffish in the elevator, sure, but was he scary enough to warrant passing on a dream job?
And how could a man that horrible send a gift as thoughtful as the one he’d sent me this morning?
It just didn’t add up.
Sighing, I said, “Okay, so, it’s okay, right? He’s the head of Reed Publishing; how much time could he possibly have? It’s not like he spends his time withinterns. He only worked with you last year”–I motioned toward Hector–“because Blanca had to leave, right? So I’m fine. It’s fine.”
Marisa smiled sympathetically. “Yeah. And, it’s not been officially announced yet, but he’s about to step up even higher and take overallof Reed Enterprises. He’s not going to even remember you by the end of the week.”
I ignored the pang of disappointment that statement caused in my chest.
“Little Nepo Baby is about to get his kingdom,” Hector said with a dramatic eye roll as he pretended to adjust an imaginary crown.
“Oh my God,” I groaned. A memory from our brief encounter rushed back to the surface and sent ice through my veins.
“What?” Hector leaned forward.
I whimpered, then laughed. “I told him he probably only readsNepotism News.”
Hector snorted. “Is that a thing?”
“No. I don’t know. I made it up.”
“And hit the nail on the head, honey. Ouch.”
Ouch was right. I was completely screwed.
Chapter Eight
The gilded Simona Steele hardback I’d sent to Ms. Blake by courier sat in the center of their dining table. They motioned toward it during conversation, but I couldn’t hear the words from my table in the back of the restaurant. This was one of many restaurants in the area frequented by the occupants of Reed Tower, but I’d not expected to see her again quite so soon.
A pleasing development indeed, though the distance between her table near the front of the restaurant and my secluded back booth was unfortunate.
“Have I bored you, Cabot?”
Blinking slowly, I returned my attention to Roderick Rombauer, who’d been speaking unceasingly since the moment we sat down to lunch. Even if I’d been seated closer to Ms. Blake and her companions, I wouldn’t have heard a word over his incessant chatter. I picked up my martini glass and sipped on it, holding his gaze. I couldn't wait to be rid of him and his entire family and firm, but I had to bide my time. Setting the drink down, I offered him a tight-lipped smile. “Forgive me, old friend, I have a lot on my mind.”
“Yes.” He cleared his throat. “The autumn season is a busy one in publishing. I’m well aware.” He crossed his arms.
If he was so aware, he wouldn’t be wasting my time with this luncheon.
“Now that I have your attention, I've heard rumors.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Oh? To what effect?”
“To what effect.” He chuckled and my hackles rose, then he leaned forward. “We are the new generation, Cabot.” Roderick motioned to the others at the crescent-shaped table. Men in various positions of power throughout the city. “Let’s not pretend that we don’t all want the same thing.”
“And that is…?” I glanced at Travis beside me, but he just sipped his whiskey, his face blank of emotion.