Page 95 of Illicit Education
I gasped at the sound of my name on his lips and met his gaze.
“We will only do this in the Rabbit Hole. Understand?”
I nodded.
“If this is going to work, we both have to follow that rule.”
I nodded again.
“I need a verbal confirmation.” His eyes searched mine. “Did you read everything I gave you?”
“Then you understand consent.”
“Yes, sir.”
His chest rose and fell on a heavy sigh. “I have some work to do myself where consent is concerned.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry that I behaved that way. I don’t know what came over me.”
Me. I came over him.I rested my hand on top of his and he pulled it away and swiftly rose to his feet.
“Okay, now that we’ve settled that, let’s get to work.”
It took me a few moments, but as soon as he began asking questions about the manuscript, we fell into our easy way of working together.
This Cabot Reed, the CEO, challenged me to dig deeper, to see more within the lines of each story I read. He began to teach me how to see the story behind the story, the feelings behind the words.
He began to teach me how to dissect and digest.
If I could keep my legs together Monday through Friday, from eight o’clock to five o'clock, I would learn invaluable information from this brilliant mind during the next eleven weeks of my internship.
And, if I could behave during the day, I had no doubt that, starting soon, I’d be rewarded greatly each night.
My shift at White Rabbit passed by like molasses, thick and pointless and slow.
So damn slow.
Unless there was a special event on the calendar, Monday nights were dead. The pub across the street wasn’t even open, so I didn’t get any random passerby from there, no drunk chicks looking to spend money they didn’t have on lingerie they didn’t need.
Well. I mean, I didn’tneedthe lingerie I’d bought either, but knowing that the emerald green panties I had on beneath my skirt had driven my man crazy this morning was reason enough to warrant going into debt for more of the stuff.
I paused.
Did I just…?
I laughed, shaking my head at myself. I didn’t just call him my man. That would be ridiculous.
Shaking my head, I looked up as the front door opened and a woman strolled inside. She had thick, dark brown hair and–
Cheekbones as sharp as her tongue.
Oh fuck.
I nearly knocked my stool over in my haste to duck down behind the register.
Shit. So mature, Ry.