Page 6 of Possessive Captor
It occurred to me while I was preparing my household for Calliope’s arrival that she might try to earn our confidence in order to launch an escape attempt. I warned my staff that if they let her go, there would be hell to pay. But I thought long and hard about what I would need to do in order to break her of her natural inclinations to run.
“I said get on your hands and knees. I want you to crawl over to me.” I settled for treating her like a dog. I might be marrying her and putting my Valenti baby inside of her, but she doesn’t need to think that she has any control over me. I am the one in charge here.
Calliope struggles with the command for a few seconds before finally sinking to her knees on the other side of the kitchen. I see a pained look cross her face as she leans forward on her hands. Her cheeks flush with embarrassment when she takes a few slow crawls toward me. I never see her eyes because they’re trained on the floor in disgrace.
She must not realize how beautiful she looks right now. Her body language is completely submissive as she makes her way over to me. The only way this could be sexier was if she was wearing nothing at all and was forced to crawl away from me. I would love to see her cunt twitch as she moved from limb to limb back to her bedroom.
The knees on her skirt must be painted in dirt by the time she arrives at my side. She looks up a little hesitantly as if to askwhat next? Her natural inclination to submission makes my cock hard. “You can sit up now,” I insist. “But you’ll have to beg for scraps.”
She’s so red she looks like she might implode. It is a gorgeous color on her cheeks and I wonder what it would look like draped across other parts of her body. Calliope tightens her jaw and reconciles herself with the position she’s found herself in. “Can I please have some food?” She asks after a moment.
I reach out to pat her on the head, dragging my hand down the side of her face as she kneels beside me. “We must start with our vegetables. It’s an important part of a growing girl’s body.” I grab my fork from the side of my plate and use it to spear a couple strings of green beans, then I bring it down to her lips. “Blow on it,” I tell her with a grin, “it’s hot.”
Her lips form a perfect, soft ‘O’ as she leans forward to blow on my forkful of green beans. She doesn’t complain, she simply breathes cool air on the vegetables before opening her mouth and closing it around the tines.
I nearly have to adjust myself where I sit. All I’m imagining is her making that same motion around the tip of my cock. Her perfectly pink lips wrap around the head of my member as she tries to swallow me the way she swallows those green beans. I’m leaking pre-cum just thinking about it.
As she chews peacefully, I bring both hands to my plate to cut up the steak. After a few pieces, I bring one to my mouth to satiate my own needs. The flavor explodes on my tongue. “Delicious,” I tell Calliope with a wink. “You’re going to love it.”
And indeed, her anger melts into resplendence when her mouth closes around the bite of steak that I offer her. Knowing her past, I know without question that this is already the nicest meal she’s ever had, even if she’s on her knees having it.
It’s foreplay to watch her open and close her mouth around every forkful of food that I offer her. The tightness of her jaw disappears after the first couple of bites and by the time we’ve shared my plate of food, she looks perfectly content. I hate to ruin it, but I have no other choice.
With only a few bites of mashed potatoes left and the steak drippings coating my plate, I set my fork down on the table. Slowly, I push my chair back and tilt it diagonally to face her. A hint of confusion rests in her gaze, but it’s quickly replaced with fear when I reach forward and grab her face.
The bones of her jaw dig into my hand as I tighten my fingers around her cheeks. The tranquil dinner we just had is replaced with aggression and anxiety. “You’ve been a good little girl today, my pet.” With my other hand, I reach up to stroke her hair. The brunette locks catch my digits between the strands, but I grab her hair and pull her toward me. “But if you want a spot atmytable, you’re going to have to earn it.”
Calliope’s eyes have widened as far as they’ll go. She looks up at me in horror before I feel her jaw start to move. I loosen my grip enough for her to speak. “H-how?” Comes her timid response. “How do I earn it?”
If I would have found a woman as inclined to obedience as Calliope, I would have married her instantly. Instead, I had to wait. It’s been forty-one long years of dating, fucking, and leaving women who couldn’t live up to my standards. All along, I just had to look a little closer at the circle I ran in. If I had known seven years ago when Calliope turned eighteen that she was exactly the woman I was looking for, I’d have lived a happier life.
“Are you still hungry?” She has to be; I am. We shared a plate meant for one.
After a moment, Calliope nods her head yes before following it up with a verbal agreement.
I release her face but keep my hand twisted in her hair. “Then take your fill of this.” With my now free hand, I unbutton the top button of my pants.
Calliope’s eyes watch my every movement and I swear I can hear her heart racing as she realizes what I’m asking of her. It takes her a moment, but when she meets my eyes again, it’s with a trace of timidity in her gaze. “I-I-I,” she starts to stutter before taking a deep breath. “I’ve never done that before,” Calliope finally admits.
Fucking hell. It’s been a long time since I popped a woman’s throat cherry. In just a few seconds, she’ll be choking on my thick, hard cock. My future wife… a blowjob virgin. But not for much longer.
I release my grip on her hair and sit back in my chair. I unzip my pants and pull my dick out for her. Her green eyes drift downward as I handle myself. “You’re going to learn how to do it today,” I tell her. “Now put daddy in your mouth and suck me like a lollipop.”
Whatever she’s thinking, she puts it aside as she leans forward and wraps her lips around my shaft like she did my fork. I’m treated to a porno as she fulfills my fantasies.
The back of her head bobs up and down on my cock until I’m ready to burst. Her teeth never touch me, but she swipes her tongue across my head at just the right time. For a woman that’s never mouth fucked a man before, she sure knows exactly what to do to make me pop off.
I fill her throat with cum until she’s pulling away from me and I see it dripping down her chin. God, she’s a gorgeous creature. What I wouldn’t do to see her pussy cream pied and dripping just like this.
Calliope brings the back of her hand up to her face and uses it to wipe off the remnants of my pleasure. I get up from my chair and lean down to place a kiss on the top of her head. “Sampson will bring you a plate of food. Feel free to sit at the table and enjoy it. Good night, my love.”
I need a cold shower before I rip Calliope off the floor, throw her on the dining table, and fuck her senseless.
Now put daddy in your mouth and suck me like a lollipop.