Page 6 of Beach Rules
Brooks stood, hoping to end this merry-go-round that the three of them seemed to be stuck on. “Thank you for your time,” he said to Melody. “I’m sorry that you had to endure all of this, but it really doesn’t seem fair that one of us is going to have to give up our summer plans.” He looked down at Savannah who still sat in her seat as if she was trying to come up with what to say next. “I think that we should go and settle this. We’re not going to get anymore help here,” he said.
Savannah made a disgruntled humming noise in the back of her throat and stood. “I think that you are correct, Brooks,” she agreed. He couldn’t be sure, but he thought that was the first time she had ever agreed with anything that he said.
“Well, that’s a first,” he said.
“What is?” Savannah asked.
“You agreeing with me about anything,” he said. Melody laughed and Savannah looked mad enough to spit nails.
“You really are an ass,” she grumbled at him as she left the office. Melody reminded him to let her know which one of them was to receive the refund and he didn’t bother to look back at her. He hated that one of them was going to end up back home in DC since that was the last place that he wanted to spend his summer.
He unlocked his car and Savannah didn’t wait for an invitation to hop into the passenger seat. He slid into the driver’s seat and started the engine. “We’re going to have to come up with a solution,” she breathed.
“I’m aware,” he grumbled. “Either way, this summer is going to suck for one of us,” he said.
“Correct,” Savannah agreed, “but, there is no way around it.” Sure there was—they could share the summer house, but she didn’t seem like the type of person who liked to share with others. If she was, she would have shared his bed last night and they might be having a whole different conversation right now.
“How about we revisit sharing the place,” he offered. “There is plenty of room for the six of us. That way, we each get half of our money back and no one has to give up their summer plans. I’ll be able to convince Jude that he doesn’t want to move, and you three girls can do whatever it is that you have planned,” he said.
She huffed out her breath and he knew that she was about to give him a hard time. “We aren’t girls,” she mumbled under her breath. “We are grown-ass women and you calling us girls is condescending and just plain rude.”
“I didn’t intend to be either, Savannah. I’m merely trying to come up with a solution to our problem. Do you have a better suggestion?” he asked. She started to dig through her purse, and he groaned. “Tell me that you aren’t looking for the fucking quarter,” he growled.
“Well, you asked if I had a better suggestion and I do. We should flip a coin to see who gets the beach house for the summer,” she insisted. She wasn’t going to stop beating that dead horse, but flipping a coin wasn’t the answer.
“Okay, you know what, if you flip the coin and lose, I’ll still let you and your friends stay with us,” he offered.
“And if I win the coin toss?” she asked. Savannah wasn’t about to make him the same generous offer.
“If you win, the guys and I will leave,” he agreed.
“Now, you’re just trying to make me feel bad,” she griped. “That’s not fair.”
“I’ve agreed to do this your way and I’ve offered you an out. Even if you lose, you can stay at the house,” he said again.
“Because you’re completely discounting the possibility of me winning the coin toss, you’re being generous,” she countered.
“I know that there is a possibility that I will lose, Savannah, I’m just trying to be a decent guy.” Geeze, there was no winning with this woman. She seemed to be as stubborn as they came.
“Well, cut it out,” she shouted. “I don’t need you to be nice to me, Brooks. I just want you to play by the rules.” She crossed her arms over her chest and huffed out her breath. “You know what—just forget it. If you want to share the house, then we’ll share it. But there has to be rules in place to protect me and my two friends.”
“Rules?” he asked. “What do you think is going to happen to you and the other two women if we don’t have rules in place? Do you really think that we’d do anything to you?” he asked.
Savannah rolled her eyes at him, and he couldn’t help his laugh. “I don’t think that you’ll do anything to us,” she corrected. “I just think that we should have some rules to help the summer run more smoothly. I can’t sleep on that sofa all summer,” she insisted.
“I’ve already offered to share my bed with you, Savannah,” he reminded.
“Right, and that can be rule number one,” she said. “If I agree to share your bed with you, then you agree to stay on your side of the mattress.”
“And here I had you pegged as a cuddler,” he teased.
“Ass,” she mumbled under her breath. He had to admit, he kind of liked it when she called him an ass. He liked the fact that he could get under her skin and ruffle her cool exterior just a bit.
“Rule number one works for me, as long as you can stay on your side of the bed,” he agreed. “I am pretty irresistible.”
Savannah huffed out her breath again and continued. “Rule number two—you have to wear clothing to bed. At least a pair of gym shorts.”
“But I like sleeping naked. How about if rule number two is that we both sleep naked? You have to learn to compromise, Savannah,” he insisted. He could tell by the adorable shade of pink that his suggestion of nudity had hit its mark.