Page 15 of Kingston's Salvation
Her eyes lit up again. “Looking for fingerprints?”
“That too.”
“I don’t understand…”
He grimaced. “Mia, this whole thing was too slickly done not to have been carried out by men who knew exactly what they were doing.”
“It was?”
She gasped. “Do you mean assassins?”
“More likely professional hitmen,” he corrected.
“Potato, potahto,” she dismissed before frowning. “But why would someone take out a hit on Giles? He was just a lawyer, as far as I’m aware.”
“I can’t answer that right now,” he dismissed. “I can only tell you that everything you’ve described makes this sound like a professional hit.”
“Then why didn’t they kill me?”
“I’m guessing because they weren’t expecting you to walk in on them after they had killed Fletcher, and that taking you out too wasn’t in the job description.”
“The job descrip…?” She gave a shake of her head. “They really have a jobdescription?”
“How do you even know that?”
“I just do.”
“That’s unbelievable.”
He shrugged. “It’s a shadow world you want no part of.” That he didn’t want her to be part of.
“And yet here I am,” she murmured unhappily.
“Here you are,” Darius conceded.
“So what is your forensics team looking for?”
“Those two men obviously think that by removing Fletcher’s body and the rug he bled out on, they have also taken away any evidence of murder being committed in the apartment.”
“They haven’t…?”
He released a heavy sigh. “When someone’s jugular vein is cut, it’s best to stand behind them when it happens because it usually results in an initial outward spray of blood.”
Mia gave a choked groan. “That sounds…horrible.”
“It is,” Darius confirmed. “The fact there was no sign of blood or that a death had occurred in that room—”
“Other than the smell!”
“Apart from that,” he agreed. “I have to assume that’s because the man wielding the knife knew that and so stood behind Fletcher when he struck the fatal blow.”
“Which is why you think it was a professional hit?”
“I’m pretty sure that’s the case, yes. That, and the fact normal burglars don’t usually carry around knives sharp enough to cut the throats of the people they’re stealing from.” He tightened his jaw. “Our forensics team will be looking for evidence those men weren’t able to eliminate all that blood spray pattern simply by removing the rug and the body.”