Page 21 of Kingston's Salvation
“You feeling okay, bro?” Casper taunted knowingly.
“Fine,” he bit out tautly. “I’ll feel even better when Mia has dressed.”
“I’m not sure I can be called a guest,” Mia answered Casper rather than Darius. “He didn’t actually invite me to stay, he just told me that’s what was happening.”
Casper nodded. “He does that. Come to think of it…” He grimaced. “All my brothers do.”
“You have my sympathy,” Mia drawled. “Does that make me his unwilling captive, do you think?” she continued conversationally.
“Are you unwilling?” Casper challenged.
“You’re not my captive!” Darius’s jaw was so tightly clenched, he was afraid he might crack either a bone or a tooth.
“No?” she challenged. “The elevator doesn’t work without your thumbprint. I have no clothes, except the ones I was wearing when I left home this morning, and this borrowed T-shirt. You won’t allow me to leave until you say I can, even to get more clothes and books. You confiscated my phone—”
“I haven’t touched your bloody phone.”
She gave a knowing grin. “Just checking that it’s still in my jeans pocket where I left it earlier.”
He glared. “Oh, very funny.”
“I thought so,” she dismissed. “So, what are you boys talking about?”
Darius was so far from being a boy, it was laughable. Casper was only a year younger than him, and although his brother might give the outward impression of being the joker of the family, he had his dark side too.
“You’re going to give him an aneurism if you don’t stop tormenting him,” Casper warned with an approving grin.
“But he’s so easy to tease,” Mia reasoned.
Casper nodded. “I agree, Darius takes himself far too seriously.”
“So, what were you talking about before I came in?” she prompted at Darius’s growl.
“She’s good,” Casper appreciated. “Lull the opposition into a false sense of security and then strike.”
Her expression became quizzical. “Are you the opposition?”
“I’d like to think not.” Casper was serious for once in his life. “And we hadn’t actually had time to start talking about anything before your beautiful self entered the room. Sorry, did you say something, Darius?” His eyes were innocently wide.
Darius had growled.
Something he had never done before in his life.
“For God’s sake, Mia, will you go and put some clothes on!” he snapped.
Her chin rose. “I’m comfortable as I am, thanks.” To prove the point, she dropped into one of the armchairs. The too-large T-shirt rode slightly up her thighs to reveal a silky expanse of her bare legs. “Just ignore me and carry on with your conversation,” she invited lightly.
Ignore her? There was no way Darius could ignore her when she had all her clothes on, let alone when her only visible clothing was one of his T-shirts.
He opened his mouth to say God knows what when he felt the soft heat of Honey’s body pressing against his thigh. He was instantly flooded with that sense of calm she seemed to carry around with her.
“Good girl.” He placed his hand on top of her silky head in thanks.